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itsme_'s question page 2 (158)

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about question
itsme_ 25 04,2021
got any favorite kdramas rn?
25 04,2021
i find it weird that they call the members from the same group (im talking about kpop) interacting as fanservice
07 03,2021
itsme_ 22 11,2020
anyone else craving spicy ramen or is it just me?
22 11,2020
itsme_ 23 11,2020
so im waiting for the game to download and i wanna hear yall thoughts on it before the game finishes downloading
23 11,2020
itsme_ 15 12,2020
does anybody shop at that store?
15 12,2020
did the person who made the gonna go question ok rn? it seems they deleted their account, just wondering
12 02,2021
about question
itsme_ 07 04,2021
read books? like actually books no webtoons
07 04,2021
itsme_ 07 02,2021
any of my onces, midzy's, blinks out there
07 02,2021
itsme_ 17 03,2021
nowadays u cant even have opinions without getting hated or doxxed people are so senstitive these days if the opinion is very offensive then i understand but like someone saying they dont like this is getting called a pick me
17 03,2021
itsme_ 15 10,2020
all around the world is a mess there is still racism and police brutality, still homophobes' going around, cultural appropriation ,Muslims are in concertation camps in china especially whats happening in Nigeria rn with the sars which please sign the petitions as well i hope that this world can change and also poverty is going around plus seeing as how they're not helping people with mental issues i know this is a manga site but these are issues going around just wanted to bring it to light if you have a problem with what i wrote then can't do anything about that lmao
15 10,2020
about penpals
itsme_ 06 05,2021
what are things that make u happy? it could be a person, place, a item anything
06 05,2021
for my peeps who exercise what exercises do yall do and why do u do it in the first place? i exercise as well, it helps me be in a better mind and gets me active so yea :))
19 05,2021
about meet lgbt
19 10,2020
about question
you know those youtube channels asking questions like "lightskin or darksin" and "gay son or thot daughter" It always annoyed the shit outta me like STFU NIGGA (im black btw)
09 04,2021
i have been told many times i talk white or i act like it by classmates in my school uh which has always bothered me in a certain way their basically pushing the stereotypes that only black people talk ghetto or whatever and white people talk proper like what? how does me talking have anything to do with race you know? i just get offended when people say that
10 03,2021
about question for anybody that needs it and yes the youtube title is called a playlist for your healing and growth
09 11,2020
itsme_ 04 11,2020
so there is this youtuber/tiktoker zoe laverne i heard she kissed a 13 year old why she is 19 YEARS OLD and the person she kissed looks 9 anyways she still has a platform i mean she's getting hate for it as she should but their is still people standing up for her which is her fans i feel she needs to be in jail but she still has a platform and she's manipulative the 13 year old she kiss and her young fans as well, the kid that she kissed doesn't know he got groomed and zoe is saying both of them caught feelings for each other how sick do you have to be to catch feelings for a minor
04 11,2020
about question
i saw a tiktok a while back of a white woman using the audio "dont do it girl its not worth it" while showing pictures of asian babies and then the audio said "im just thinking about it"( repeating that saying,) then showing her flying over to a country in asia (dont know where tho) and showing her husband and then showing her pregnant, then the audio said "i did it" which showed her child basically her fetishizing biracials which is so disgusting- maybe that orange president should've banned tiktok after all like this app is so toxic
29 11,2020
we're doing better, its always been just him and me together
21 10,2020