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Whatshouldmyusernamebe's answer page 1 (131)

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I dropped that story just because of yeehaw, and partially because of mc too, but mainly yeehaw   3 reply
02 06,2021
I wanna adopt bug boy, blue-haired bb, and Isaac and marry the rest.   3 reply
12 03,2021
Jimmy stop filling your asshole with sand   1 reply
02 07,2021
On what? How do you debate reasoning when something is needed to reason?   1 reply
26 05,2021
You’re stupid if you don’t have an opinion and you’re stupid if you have an opinion and school system is flawed to the point that it doesn’t exist.   1 reply
10 03,2021
Fem-Mahito is better   2 reply
20 06,2021
about question
I actually had a dream where I was this girl in the 70s and I lived in like Arizona or California someplace hot and like in my dream I woke up and walked out of my room and outside. The garage was right beside my bedroom and there was like one step and when I went to the garage door I just pulled it up like it wasn’t automatic or anything. And I......   3 reply
29 04,2024
I’ve never really understood the point of queerbaiting because I don’t really come to that many shows because it’s gay. But to say this, YOI is actually a gay ice skating anime. Yuri and Victor are actually a couple (?), I don’t know, but they’re something. They got those promise rings and that one censored kiss going on (the one behind t......   reply
07 04,2021
about question
I’m gonna be honest and say you made a stupid ass move to cheat on a test. Never cheat on a test or quiz. Homework is understandable because sometimes there is just no enough time (my teacher assigned an 130 delta math assignment the week I had five exams I was like girl ) but don’t do it during class. That being said, ask the teacher for your......   reply
13 12,2023
Do you have a bad case of cuteness aggression or something?   2 reply
26 11,2020
about question
BJ Alex. It was one of my first stories so I remember constantly dying of embarrassment and I even remember crying too. Otherwise, I think MLB (Miraculous Ladybug) gave me pain. I literally chucked myself of the bed a few times.   1 reply
03 03,2021
about question
I accidentally called my friend wife instead of her name but it was just funny   1 reply
08 07,2021
I’m not asexual or gay, but I’m bi. I tend to like Bl in general just because they have better plots, characters, storylines, and a lot more humour than others. I have read cute Gls and het stuff that I have loved, but many that I start I never finish or forget because they aren’t memorable or funny. Funny stories, even if it’s just small......   reply
17 12,2020
My first ever fictional crush ever, my beautiful girl Pansy Parkinson, I cant explain it, but she’s like perfect in my head. From Harry Potter (not anime but close enough). Then my first fictional male crush, my husband Mob. It’s pretty self-explanatory if you’ve watched the anime. From Mob Psycho 100 (such a good anime). I don’t te......   3 reply
21 09,2020
I had some bad friends in elementary school and I only realised how little I trusted people when I got to middle school and everyone was having these close relationships with their friends, while I was stuck holding my friends back from getting closer. My dad also gets onto me a lot if I cried because I’m really sensitive, especially to people ......   1 reply
20 02,2021
My cat’s adorable and her nicknames are Rat, Dust mite, and Munchkin. My sister also drew a picture of her.   2 reply
11 02,2021
I’ll start the horrible war on a controversial candy. Almond Joys are some of the best. And on another note, dark chocolate around 80%, Reeses cups, and toblerones.   reply
12 03,2021
about question
I’d say they’re acting on adrenaline. When your adrenal gland starts to produce adrenaline and noradrenaline, you get several other effects like change in production of glucose, increase in blood pressure, heart palpitations, and even a decrease in the response of the nervous system. Because of this, when shot, they may have a huge adrenaline d......   1 reply
19 12,2023