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mj00's answer page 2 (559)

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unfortunately, i’m just an extra   1 reply
01 12,2020
"jeff the killer in real life" not my creepypasta phase.   2 reply
07 12,2020
ppl to cyberbully list   1 reply
13 01,2024
about question
08 03,2024
Well im no writer but i can certainly say colleen hoover's book are absolutely dogshit...   3 reply
08 03,2024
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No u should not....That person is already in a relationship   reply
29 09,2023
nta. beat that yt boy up   1 reply
02 09,2023
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those isekai MCs where they turn into a baby and fall in love with a child....why is this grown 30 yr old woman with an office job in love with a 7 yr old   4 reply
21 12,2023
shipping you x psych ward   reply
05 02,2024
23 09,2023
cut it off   reply
23 09,2023
Takes one to know one...   1 reply
24 02,2024
about question
22 02,2024
mf was obsessed with this website   4 reply
22 02,2024
06 12,2020
i dont   1 reply
06 12,2020
28 11,2020
this queen   2 reply
28 11,2020
16 04,2024
One time my doctor saw me reading a bl on my ipad and she deadass said hey I've read that too....the silence in the room was loud...very loud   6 reply
16 04,2024
most of yall fujoshis literally fetishized mlm relationships and be so proud of it on the internet like bffr   6 reply
08 02,2024
True Beauty...Yaongyi really dragged the story for far too long   4 reply
20 04,2024
Give your butthole a break jesus-   reply
06 12,2020
about question
Fuck this bitch and her overrated ass novels   reply
25 12,2023
03 09,2023
I'm raw dogging mental illness the way god intended #bless   2 reply
03 09,2023