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卵's answer page 1 (50)

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about question
12 01,2024
I think you're either ignoring any sort of nuance or your post is just worded badly. Media influences people and people influence media, bl in the 90s had a very normalised rape culture, which obviously had a negative effect on the people reading it, I can't tell you how many times I heard an older fujo say "you cant rape a man" or "its not like i......   2 reply
12 01,2024
about question
06 04,2024
homegirl was attacking everyone who dared to argue that their post was racist and or immediately blocking. Some of the shit they said under peoples comments was worse than most of the comments under their post. People sending those messages are shitty, but it's better for UNO and everyone elses mental health that they won't be posting more wack ass......   3 reply
06 04,2024
about question
06 04,2024
shit just broke me man but ig I should've expected tragic gays after it literally started with tragic lesbians the worst part is that Ivan would've been fine if Till didn't run back for Mizi, they could've ran away!!! aghhhh   reply
06 04,2024
about question
if you want to bait for attention at least be a bit original   2 reply
02 04,2024
27 04,2024
Like 75% of the 1k manga/hwa/huas I've read, take your pick Also almost anything I've read when I was a teenager, getting some experience really makes you realise most of those mangakas have never been in a relationship or that they don't know shit abt gay ppl istg   2 reply
27 04,2024
about question
27 02,2024
this is not r/relationship_advice   reply
27 02,2024
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16 03,2024
Naw bc the staff can read your chats and use them for shit the amount of cringe i feel when thinking about some dude reading that shit keeps me far away uwu   1 reply
16 03,2024
about eat ass
so nothing changes except im magically a bottom now? mango users forgetting gay people exist irl   3 reply
02 04,2024
If youre 22, you're old enough to realise this is a site full of chronically online losers and children so asking here is a horrible idea like it'd unironically be better to ask this on reddit because you'd actually get some rare genuine responses there I hope you dont take any advice you get here lmao As for a genuine response, we don't know this ......   2 reply
14 01,2024
Free speech goes both ways bb   1 reply
27 04,2024
about question
09 05,2024
I think all of them suck personally also fun fact blue used to be the color for girls and pink used to be for boys(because it was close to the color of blood lmao), gender stereotypes constantly change over the years and the sheer hypocrisy of them pisses me off   1 reply
09 05,2024
about question
12 04,2024
Why would getting a family/being old change what media you're allowed to consume? Replace the genre with any other one, does it change anything? It's just manga, if you're not a weirdo about it, it won't matter how old you are reading it.   reply
12 04,2024
17 04,2024
im currently coping with the actor au ️   2 reply
17 04,2024
卵 is egg I had the nickname "tama" in school because I had the same resting bitch face as my friends cat and I love gudetama, I wanted something simple so I just went with "egg"   reply
04 05,2024
Unfortunately its usually only well done in mangas written by trans people themselves, otherwise they range from ok through cringe all the way to abysmal (´;︵;`)   reply
26 08,2023
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25 03,2024
Missed the deadline for government assistance for autism(you gotta get diagnosed   3 reply
25 03,2024
They really should let us change our votes like every other sns, but can't expect that from this site   1 reply
03 04,2024
about question
17 12,2023
bait used to be believable   reply
17 12,2023
I'm a gay dude and like? as long as you don't fetishize the problematic stuff and the people themselves then I honestly don't understand what's the problem with it. Like yeah a lot of the times bl written by cishet women is problematic but there are really good ones written by them too. Like without yall we wouldn't have "dark heaven" which is one ......   reply
09 07,2020
I don't think we'll ever see Denji not getting SAed :(   reply
10 days