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The_Clumsy_Child's answer page 4 (250)

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Are you okay?   reply
20 06,2021
Um… why is the milk so slimy and WHO THE FUCK TOOK MY PECAN PIE. I WAS GONNA EAT IT FOR DESSERT.   1 reply
01 07,2021
I don’t know if I’m going to survived with this cat.   reply
10 06,2021
about lmao
I will give him a hug   1 reply
28 06,2021
about question
1/10 mainly because of 3 really annoying people I have to see every day.   reply
06 07,2021
my grandparents use to prick my hand with needle until it look like I got stung by a lot of bees because I fail the test I was given to do. The test was in Chinese. 6 year old me can’t read in Chinese with out the pinyin. There was no pinyin on the test. I believe I got a 10 out of 100.   3 reply
13 06,2021
I will take this as a sign for the 6 more hours I have left to finish my homework.   reply
11 06,2021
about question
I saw the audacity of some people and I thought that there was some drama going on. I guess not.   reply
15 06,2021
about crying
I though you were gonna be the third antisocialcapucino. Im relieve that it’s just a picture of some mushrooms   reply
18 06,2021
When my parents talk in Cantonese and I heard my name every so often during there conversations makes me panic since I don’t understand what they are talking about.   reply
26 06,2021
about question
I think you need to learn how to spell before saying all this. No offense though   reply
10 06,2021
I tripped on a banana peel that an irresponsible person had thrown on the ground. A dog came around the corner as I slip and started chasing me. I never ran 10 blocks any faster.   reply
19 06,2021
Mashed potatoes. I would eat it for the rest of my life if I can.   1 reply
01 07,2021
If it was me i will try talking to kian and tell him about what happen and see it he wants to let the teacher known. If he said no I would just say I know nothing, if he said yes I would tell the teacher everything. But if he said to do whatever I want then i wouldn’t say anything. Even if he’s an unlikable guy I don’t want to invade into som......   1 reply
09 06,2021
about question
Chihuahua because back when I was little I slip on a banana peel and a dog came around the corner and started chasing me. It was a chihuahua.   reply
04 07,2021
about question
I have loud neighbors too. There was this once when one of them shouted out their number out loud so that their friend across the block can have their number and keep in touch. I took the liberty to call him using the number he shouted and told him to shut the fuck up because there are people trying to sleep. That happen a year ago. It was also 2 i......   1 reply
13 06,2021
I can barely take care of my self so don’t expect me to be able to take care of a child.   reply
11 06,2021