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Answer page 22522 (457177)

Hello :D from germany :)) I am 23 and I'm bi. But I'm mainly attracted to girls! Sadly I wasn't in relashionship yet. Single for all my life. Never worked out or mostly unrequired affection. (sorry for my bad english tho.) I am a totally shipper trash. I love shonen ai/yaoi so much it hurts. I don't like reading Yuri tho... but mainly bc all I re......   1 reply
01 01,2017
hi! i'm bisexual. for many years i thought i was a lesbian, but a couple years ago i had a weird, sudden (seeming - in actually, i realized it was a long time in the making) change in sexuality where i realized that guys also **really** did it for me as well. it's been an interesting endeavour in how incredibly fluid sexuality can be. super explici......   reply
01 01,2017
I've become more open to the possibility, but me loving someone enough to be willing to marry them is so nearly impossible to begin with Everyone around me when I was little had so many troubles in marriage and the men called husbands, were always abusive and neglectful. Naturally, I'd grow up thinking marriage just means misery and pain. I know i......   1 reply
01 01,2017
elusify 01 01,2017
Fear, laughter, stress, fun. It's a weird combination, but my life is one where I have to try balancing both, or else I might actually give in to my demons. I've considered suicide many, many times, as well as running away from home. My mother is mentally & physically abusive and just looking at her wrong can set her off. I live everyday not knowin......   reply
01 01,2017
couple of years ago, I thought that I was a Bisexual girl. me going out with a girl from my sport team makes it more convincing, but tbh I thought that I lack of romantic attraction to anyone, because all I did most of the time was fangirling over artists and fictional characters. I think I did fall in love with a boy when I was 12. but then, falli......   reply
01 01,2017
Pansexual agender, though both of those are due to me thinking gender is a social construct. I honestly don't care what you identify as, cause if I like you, then I like you. That being said, you'll see that I still refer to myself as a fudanshi. Yeap. I mean I'm sure I don't sound much different from all the other comments that may be mostly fe......   reply
01 01,2017
Hi im kinda new here and tbh I am very attracted to any gender(be it gay,lesbian,girl or boy bi and etc.) and not to mention romantically. My family doesn't know about this and my older sister really thinks Im straight but I really do know to myself that my attraction is very flexible. I find girls beautiful romantically and so as Gay males and I d......   reply
01 01,2017
I like to think I'm bi but I'm pretty sure I'm more comfortable with girls, though I haven't actually dated a girl yet. Still looking for her   reply
01 01,2017
I'm pansexual! I read both yuri and yaoi (mostly yaoi though since I'm a girl and unfortunately that kind of relationship isn't one I can have so it's mostly out of envy). I love people of a certain personality I don't really care what they are on the outside it's what's inside that I really care about. It sounds all sweet and all but I like the su......   reply
01 01,2017
01 01,2017
I agree that studying abroad can be cheaper. I did a BA in Italy at an American university...and it was cheaper. If I had attended an Italian university, it would have been even cheaper! :)   1 reply
01 01,2017
Japan, France, Canada or UK! Japan of course you can get yaoi stuff easily hehe but i will be worried about my wallet i don't want to get poor easily because so mannyyyy stuff that i want to buy lol and for the rest of countries (japan included) i would like to live there because i want to make friend from those countries and i want to visit so man......   1 reply
01 01,2017
I identify myself as bi. Never had a girlfriend but trying to find her. Lol. Reading yaoi definitely helped in accepting my own sexuality. My only problem I guess is that it turned me into a huge pervert. Lol   2 reply
01 01,2017
Straight. Hmm maybe bicurious dont know. If the girl looks and acts and treats me like a dude why the fuck not. Kissing is as far as ill go. In a nutshell i would date girls but marry a guy. Sex is during marriage coz im that fucking traditional =3= i like guys way too much to ever be a lesbo XD   1 reply
01 01,2017
Im just pan, Obv i mostly read yaoi but ive also read quite a few yuris but they arent as interesting to me personally I also have a gay trans friend who is a fudanshi but idk if they read on mangago   reply
31 12,2016
I am a bisexual fujoshi who enjoys reading yaoi and yuri and gets attached to the gloomy/droopy eyed characters!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   reply
31 12,2016
I'm just a lesbian who gets emotionaly attached to guys in BL. ¯_(ツ)_/¯   11 reply
31 12,2016
So I actually have a few reasons why I and to dislike straight romance. 1. In general, media is oversaturated with boy/girl relationships. Almost every book/movie/tv show/etc has some kind of straight romantic subplot, usually underdeveloped and almost always unnecessary. Not that same gender romantic subplots can't ever be forced or unnecessary, b......   reply
31 12,2016
ikky 31 12,2016
i love reading yaoi, n dislike yuri. but in reality, i am into straight romance. but, to reveal my experience, last year, i had a thought to kiss my roommate while she's sleeping. its really weird. hwever, after she cut her hair like a boy, the thought suddenly lost. thanks god, i became normal again. also, i seem like cant be in any serious relati......   reply
31 12,2016
AA3 31 12,2016
Mediocre....imagine an average girl with glasses,neither too enthusiastic nor too moody.I live with my parents since I still go to school.I have no complaints about my life it's calm,peaceful and uneventful. One thing I really can't stand though is my parents' expectations...see since my brother is a disappointment meaning his grades are low,he's a......   reply
31 12,2016
There was a time they suspected that I was reading some porn (straight), but not really yaoi (since they don't know what it is).-Plus I have a really good pokerface when it comes to yaoi (● ̄(エ) ̄●)   reply
31 12,2016

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