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Answer page 22527 (455095)

SAO is may first anime and Ao Haru Ride is my first manga.   reply
30 10,2016
From Bagjwi Sayug *.*   1 reply
30 10,2016
yeah, I did have a crush on my roleplay partner.. and it was the worse.. my feelings were played.. and it was the first time I ever liked a girl.. and I enjoyed role playing with her... but what I didn't know.. is that I was blinded by love. I confessed to her one day.. then she didn't accepted me at first.. then after that she did.. and I was supe......   reply
29 10,2016
when I first discovered yaoi when I was 13-14.. I was really shocked.. like my sister said she wanted to show me an anime.. so I was like okay... I will watch it.. so when I was watching it.. I wasn't aware of the hints that the anime opening (Junjou romantica) was showing me.. what shocked me the most is when I see Usagi "taking care" of misaki bu......   reply
29 10,2016
I got pretty shy/shocked and covered my eyes, then i rapidly flipped the page. But eventually i got used to it so now its kind if my daily routine #fujoshi4laifu (≧∀≦)   reply
29 10,2016
I recently found out about yaoi manga/animes i've watched anime for 7 years and (im 13 y/o rn) so i got into yaoi for a few months ago, and i'm totally Fujoshi.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜   2 reply
29 10,2016
I HAVE! He was my bestest and still is my bestest online friend! We met on the website Multiplayer Piano, I went by "Lunar" and he went by "Anthony" We started roleplaying and everything and we got so close with so many friends. We're in a long distance relationship, and have been for a few years, I say about...maybe 4 years? We've known eachothe......   3 reply
29 10,2016
Omg I did, and he liked me back. We had a good relationship for 3-4 months, and we had fun while it lasted. Still friends to this day! We do occasionally role play too.   reply
29 10,2016
Yes I have. I liked this girl in middle school, and she was so beautiful you have no idea. She had a splendid personality, with some unfortunate things going on with family. That being domestic violence. I was there for her for so long and I even got her the help she was scared to get. I confessed to her through a poem, and had a friend explain to ......   2 reply
29 10,2016
Yes... There was a halloween party and I was dressed as a pikachu... giant one piece suit of pikachu... There was bloody mary and tequila. Let's just say adrunken pikachu confessing to a pirate is a sight u dont wanna miss.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Didn't go too well after everyone sobered up lol   4 reply
29 10,2016
I was like 10/11 ish, it was either No.6, gravitation or monochrome factor. I had no clue what was going on but it was interesting, though I might have skipped over some parts of when kissing started, or just totally ignored it and continued on watching it. I got distracted with other things, but then somehow found my way to reading it and liked it......   reply
29 10,2016
(▰˘◡˘▰) I was 19 (View Finder)but know I'm 24. ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
28 10,2016
Similar situation :'P I'd confessed to one of my closest friends three years ago... We've been ignoring each other ever since haha A bit tough though, since we have a few classes together   reply
28 10,2016
I once tried to hint to a guy I liked him by telling him I couldn't concentrate in school because I was thinking of him. He ended up getting mad at me for blaming him for my not paying attention. -_-; I've only confessed to a crush once. I wouldn't really call it a crush though. I legit loved her. It was terribly unrequited. I don't know if she e......   1 reply
28 10,2016
Because Japan does not like overweight people plus the number of obese people there is really small compared to the rest of the world.   3 reply
28 10,2016
Is it weird that i don't remember ? :/ I do however remember my very first shounen ai... It's seven days which opened my eyes to a whole new world XD   3 reply
28 10,2016
Never.. I'm the type to like someone easily and dislike them at later time just because they not meet my expectation. So I've never bothered to confess.. I really want to have someone I genuinely love not jus for his face, his kindness or anything. I want to have someone to love for a long time not jus for a while.. If I have someone like that I wi......   4 reply
28 10,2016
I never did...because I think I've never fallen in love "for true". I'm now bearing an hopeless crush. Back then, we were very close friends. But when I realized my feelings, I ended up acting awkward around him and we drifted apart. I would like to confess to "get rid of it". But I don't want him to avoid me even more. He already thinks I'm silly......   reply
28 10,2016
I have confessed. I was in love with him for 4 years that time. Of course he rejected on the top of that he said he hated me. I loved him still, for 4 years more, until I changed schools. I dont know if I still have feelings for him. However I am not capable to fall in love anymore. I tried lots, it only ended up being a physical relationship. I lo......   2 reply
28 10,2016
No......I never had that much courage lol. I was just in school. He was really opposite of my personality. I was shy, bad at sports, didn't have many friends....and he was a friendly person, mischievous, good at sports. But I am glad since I didn't confess....coz now i realize after so many years....that it was not was just attraction an......   reply
28 10,2016

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did how are u guys doing in school

bad-ish, failed one class and almost had to go to summer school for that but they weren't offering it for the class I failed lol

3 hours
did going to concerts

One of my favorite things in the world to do

7 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

finals week woohoo

12 hours

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