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Answer page 22672 (456703)

well if we are talking about Moegi Yuu i would prefer Kami-sama No Iutoori because i´m totally in love with Midori. other than that i wouldn´t be able to decide. because i love all. but i think it would be funny to be friends with usagi from junjou romantica. that guy is so crazy and hilarious ^^   reply
09 08,2016
I wanna live in all the worlds! But my reason is not to get hot guys (tho it would be so drool worthy to be pampered by hot semes *drools*). I just wanna be a Cupid in the Yaoi world and match up two people that I think deserve each other and silently stalk and perv on them while they do smut stuff *ufufufufu* It will be so worth it! Endless suppl......   2 reply
09 08,2016
I would choose the most simple Yaoi world , that i could have a peace of mind and seek to find the one that can truly understand me , i can understand everyone even there deepest twisted thoughts can see both light and darkness in their souls , but i want to find someone who could really understand me best , in simple life out of yaoi world where i......   reply
09 08,2016
I guess I count as an introvert since I prefer to have time to myself over people without a doubt. I enjoy it too, it's plenty fun especially when I manage to convince people they know me, with that single side of me. (The shy and awkward one) This one class I had, I hadn't bothered to socialize with anyone beyond school work. I had a window, music......   reply
09 08,2016
I don't want to live in any yaoi world. I want to live in my favorite mangakas minds ( * °ω° * ) Old Xian, Zaria, Yoneda Kou, Ogawa Chise, Scarlet Beriko... That would be paradise for me. My sinner paradise (♡﹃♡)   1 reply
09 08,2016
Yes , i'm a male also i was so confused for so long about this , i fall in love before before twice in my life , first with a girl and later after years i fall in love with a male , was so confused , even thought out of grief for my first crush and such , but hide it because he was also my friend so buried myself and hide my feelings , so after los......   reply
09 08,2016
HongIce ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
09 08,2016
I'd wanna live in a world like from the 'pure blood' manga. It'd be sooo nice to be a deterrent for a sexy ass vampire and have cool powers. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
09 08,2016
I wanna live in... IT'S TOO HARD QUESTION FOR ME! But I really really really wana live in Umibe/Harukaze no Etranger world. Damn, they're just so cute :3   reply
09 08,2016
I know that and in my opinion it's just curiosity , like honestly sometimes you ask yourself some weird and random questions just to know what you would do in some situations ! That's how you learn more about yourself nd about the things that you can and you can't do . Just don't rush things really that kind of feeling is going to go away . Just do......   2 reply
08 08,2016
I was shocked too - but was totally drawn in by the romance XD really addicted now XP   reply
08 08,2016
My first anime was Ginga Nagareboshi Gin and i saw it when i was about six :'D But Tokyo Ghoul was like my first anime when i knew i was watching anime... I can't remember what my first manga was, it was probably yaoi.   1 reply
08 08,2016
I was 12 xD It was junjou romantica and at first i was like yea this is too much for me but then i came back and watched all episodes... Pervert child.   2 reply
08 08,2016
Simon Curtis - Flesh. This song is suitable to be listened to when reading a hot steamy yaoi manga that has horny and sensual uke ♡   1 reply
08 08,2016
Hmm. That's a tough question... Idek if I like it that much myself or not, but I'm kinda drawn to it. (even though i really feel like i deserve to be in Hell for reading that type of material) I do not advocate for rape or anything, if it happens irl, i really hope those rapists die in a hole, but somehow when it comes to yaoi mangas.... it just dr......   1 reply
08 08,2016
about 14 I guess ;-) it kinda shocked me, like.... OMG WTH!!!! and I discarded it at once... and then i was curious and.... after a few month I tried junjou romantica and here am I 5 years later a complete fujoshi BOUHAHAHAHAHHA ヾ(☆▽☆)   reply
08 08,2016
sweet 16 for me... thanks to that OTAKU classmate of mine...   2 reply
08 08,2016
1) i hate when people ask what they already know 2) "why you're so quiet?" "why you don't talk?" it's ok when people ask me this one time. but when they ask it more than 2 times, i get really mad. it's not like i don't talk. i just talk with people i know, not with every single people (just to know, i'm very bad at places where i don't know anyone......   reply
08 08,2016
The only gangbang/mob yaoi manga I like is Mob for Jack from Zariya Ranmaru, other than this is no no.   reply
08 08,2016
Depend on the story. But I love original MV for Ai no Kusabi (The Movie), the song is Behind Blue Eyes-Limpbizkit. You can search it on Youtube. It matches between the clips and the music. So awesome!   reply
08 08,2016

People are doing

did read all the yaoi in the world

i did this and i learned one thing.... yaoi authors need anti psychotics.

3 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

we went from wlw to mlm <3 then to besties lol

8 hours
want to do question

Guys, what do you think , if your male partner cries out of pleasure , while he's pleasuring you. Is it a turnoff ?

18 hours

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