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Answer page 22680 (457278)

interesting storyline, angst, well-rounded characters... of course steamy sex XDD (although i'm fine without if the story is good enough) great example would be Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki   1 reply
30 08,2016
I am afraid of turning into my parent.   4 reply
30 08,2016
Possessive seme and feisty uke. Ex: He tian x Redhead (19 days) I can't wait to see their relationship develop. ~_~   2 reply
30 08,2016
1. I fear the future. So many possibilities and only a few are ideal. 2.Spiders, toads and everything small, slimy and can fly. 3. Heights. Technically, I'm afraid of falling and dying/getting hurt. 4.Losing, I have very high expectations for myself and when I lose something, I treat myself very harshly. (basically, punishing myself. I'm afraid of ......   reply
30 08,2016
My worst fear is to not being able to do what I want.   reply
30 08,2016
I really scared when people start to yell at me... when that happen I always trembling and crying. if someone hit me it is fine by me I can hit he/she back or just stare furiously at them but when they start yell I can't do anything, it's like I lost my tought somewhere..   reply
30 08,2016
I guess it will be repeating some part of my life every 2-3 years to the end of my life , well i'm already repeating it but the thought that i will be free when i be 23 or more make me happy and scared that it might take longer to be free   1 reply
29 08,2016
My worst fear is the unknown... Yup not original neither specific... Just the unknown   reply
29 08,2016
I fear action...both success and failure...cause I'm afraid there is no real point to it all...I fear never being inspired or motivated out of my lazy haze...I fear I will come to deeply regret this escapism....oh, the list is endless and this fear mine paralyzes, lurking in the dark recesses of my soul...   reply
29 08,2016
parenthood, nothing scares the shit out of me more than parenthood, is like the key to a treasure of smaller fears, like what if i regret it later when is too late fertility wise, what if i do it and i am not good enough of a mother for the child, what if the commitment is too heavy, what if my husband get jelous of the little spawn, what if he lov......   3 reply
29 08,2016
My worst fear is to be forgotten.   reply
29 08,2016
my worst fear is talking to people i don't know not sure what to call it but if some stranger talks to me i start shaking slightly and my heart feels like it will jump out of my body.i also have major stage fright so they kinda go together ╥﹏╥   reply
29 08,2016
being buried or just being in contact with leaches, worms, caterpillars, or any sort of wormy creature . . . i'll probably faint on the spot with foam in my mouth if that happens ( ̄∇ ̄") also losing my sense of sight . . . i'm fine with not being able to speak or hear, but not with being blind . . . i'll be really devastated if i won't be a......   reply
29 08,2016
Only when i'm mad. I can't express it correctly, instead i'd get extremely silent and expressionless, and if someone tried to talk to me i only replied them with unblinking stare, people avoided me at all cost, even strangers. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ guess that counts...?   reply
29 08,2016
Anime: dragon ball z Manga: naruto - really got tired of those filters !!   reply
29 08,2016
I believe so. I am rather tall for a girl and have a loud and relatively deep voice. I also have quick temper, which does not really help in this issue. I often get told not to be so aggressive even when I am just talking a bit louder than usual. This even happens, when I am not even angry. Apparently, they assume that I might snap any moment and s......   2 reply
29 08,2016
Not anymore. I mean: yes, I still have deep black eyes, I'm still taller than other women (and men...) BUT, at some time between the 20's and the 30's I made friends with my own darkness and relaxed a LOT, then people just find me awkward but not really "scary" More like "You know I won't bite, right? Unless we both want to! :D " I know I'm older ......   reply
29 08,2016
Tough question but if i must narrow it down i could choose the sexy, caring, hard boiled beast Mookyul from totally captivated, and the sweet, protective, all around good guy Yata chan from Yatamomo, i really like seeing my damaged ukes spoiled rotten by their loving semes after having difficult rough lifes, it is the case with both of the mangas i......   1 reply
29 08,2016
Me too , other girls think I m scary. other add one more that I am scary and arrogant, they said it because my face. I don't know where the wrong with my face even I am ugly does'nt mean I am scary and arrogant. Hohoho .   reply
29 08,2016
People think I'm less scary and more intimidating, in my country after sixth grade you go to a new school, after the first day of school most of the kids in my class were sure I was a deliquent...   2 reply
29 08,2016

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

You pat me on the head!
You took me out to wine, dine, 69 me.
But didn't hear a damn word I said!

10 hours
did get an ear piercing

And I want more!!

12 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Ontem comi pipoca com sallll

13 hours

Search thing


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