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i have a phobia

People who did this (47)
2021-01-19 09:09:45

2021-01-19 08:47:29

Myself and cockroaches
2021-01-19 08:15:00

2021-01-19 08:10:54

Not being able to see clearly terrifies me
2020-11-15 03:06:58

Worms... And ugh I just saw someone post a pic of them without a trigger warning, fuck you.
2020-09-11 00:52:16

Someone throws up and I’m shaking like a leaf. So public bathrooms, amusement parks, the doctors, and public transportation are all big nope
2020-08-30 10:32:34

I do have a phobia lots of phobias like Typophoia or something like that I have Anxiety but that's not a phobia So ya I have a lot of things