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yall ever just feel sad

People who did this (642)
2024-03-26 20:31:30
2023-12-21 00:39:53

all the time
2023-10-10 16:04:12
2023-09-29 18:22:43

Straight up i feel sad right now!
2023-09-24 05:22:04
2023-09-24 01:08:04
2023-09-23 09:02:52
2023-09-23 02:50:45
2023-09-23 02:08:08
2023-09-22 21:07:54
2023-09-22 19:50:31
2023-09-21 02:49:35
2023-09-20 15:35:15
2023-09-20 12:28:46
2023-09-20 08:11:30
2023-09-18 22:05:01
2023-09-17 19:48:33

2023-09-17 15:05:58

Every day...its not I did its I do...
2023-09-17 13:09:30
2023-09-17 01:25:33

Isn't that just life?