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im confused

People who did this (39)
2021-02-05 17:54:59

2021-02-05 16:48:54

this me all the time

2021-01-15 15:15:34

I’m a lost child
2020-11-01 09:29:13
2020-10-30 10:45:09
2020-10-26 08:16:18
2020-09-17 00:04:55
2020-09-04 03:52:35
2020-09-03 23:36:10
2020-09-03 23:18:15
2020-09-03 22:27:57

legit me everyday
2020-09-03 22:21:15
2020-09-03 21:59:36
2020-09-03 21:40:37

Im very slow so slow that sometimes i have to read a text/long chat 5 times to understand.
2020-09-03 21:24:59

Small brain, big problems
2020-09-03 21:23:23
2020-09-03 21:07:10

I am like the CEO of being confused uwu
2020-09-03 20:34:34

i am right now
2020-09-03 20:29:55

I’m always confuse