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reject a love confession

People who did this (373)
2021-05-23 16:14:28

i’m transmasc and like half out to my friends and one of them (he is straight) told me he liked me so i was like ‘i’m not a girl
2021-05-23 16:03:40

I got an email on Valentine's day, I honestly thought it was meant as in a jokey friendly way? because it literally just said 'I like you'
2021-05-23 15:53:59

sent me a letter. and i told my bestf that im not interested of relationship. so my bestf rejected it for me, she reply that letter
2021-05-23 15:50:47

he was that shy type .. but had the guts to confess to me 2 times. smtimes I wonder whatll happen if I said yes back then.
2021-05-23 14:54:57

I rejected him cuz i wanna study first since we were still young. He got mad and called me picky lol but hey at least i became salutatorian
2021-05-23 14:46:43

2021-05-23 14:45:37

well the love confession was through snapchat and it felt kinda half-assed. Im not bragging but I think he only liked me for my looks
2021-05-23 06:59:04

I'm a dude and his a dude he confessed to me But I rejected him because I was straight back then BUT YEARS LATER WE MEET AGAIN and his with gal-
2021-05-23 06:29:32
2021-05-23 06:17:41

He was my best friend...and i like girls sooooo... yeah but i like him tho as a little bro
2021-05-23 05:58:26
2021-05-23 05:28:07

It's not a 'love' though, just rejection coz he my friend only
2021-05-23 05:14:39
2021-05-23 04:47:10

i said i wasn’t interested bc i was looking for a gf but he insisted and even wanted to buy me haikyu merch just so i can go out with him
2021-05-23 04:45:18

he was like a brother to me ^^;
2021-05-23 04:14:23

it was some random guy who was down bad and i felt like shit until i remembered he was just down bad and probably has side pieces.
2021-05-23 04:02:29

made me feel uncomfortable tbh
2021-05-23 04:01:37

the last dude i rejected played the guitar... don’t know if i made the right choice
2021-05-23 03:19:29
2021-05-23 03:17:01

my now gf confessed to me while i was w some1 else and i told her i was happy w this other person, but we ended up 2gether after months lol