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liking girls

People who did this (187)
2021-03-04 11:19:42

i always have but i only questioned my sexuality until now lmao
2021-03-04 08:57:18

2021-03-02 07:14:49
2021-03-02 06:28:41

How could I not??? They're so beautiful and handsome!!!!!
2021-03-02 05:53:26

lmao hi
2021-03-02 05:29:34

never rlly got the chance to talk to her but its my classmate in 8th grade
2021-03-02 05:27:45
2021-03-02 04:59:23

Have a girlfriend
2021-03-02 04:46:38

a pretty great time. was in 5th grade. haah, but... she move away. Sad life
2021-03-02 04:35:11
2021-03-02 04:27:03
2021-03-02 04:08:45
2021-03-02 04:05:41

Liked my class mate in 8 grade
2021-03-02 03:37:50

3rd grade i watched lesbian porn
2021-03-02 03:26:55

2021-03-02 03:25:12
2021-03-02 03:23:22
2021-03-02 03:02:13

Well she's my best friend and we pretend that we're married, idk how I'm supposed to feel
2021-03-02 02:55:03

3rd grade
2021-03-02 02:41:11