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survive 2020

People who did this (181)
2021-01-20 12:14:59

I survived... But at what cost?
2021-01-19 14:06:47

2021-01-07 08:53:41
2021-01-07 07:10:55

New years was super depressing but on top of that I got scolded for using fireworks lol
2021-01-05 20:03:12
2021-01-05 19:55:16
2021-01-05 19:55:08
2021-01-05 19:36:57
2021-01-03 05:29:26
2021-01-02 07:54:51

stan loona
2021-01-02 07:19:43
2021-01-02 03:26:55
2021-01-02 03:19:39
2021-01-02 03:12:11
2021-01-02 02:35:12
2021-01-02 02:32:27

Yeah finally
2021-01-02 02:32:11

I'm ready for another year. Keep 'em coming world.
2021-01-02 02:30:59

quite thankful bc there are things im looking forward to
2021-01-02 02:04:07
2021-01-02 01:58:32