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play mystic messenger

People who did this (90)
2021-06-04 08:17:39

i played it when it came out
2021-06-04 07:20:50
2021-06-04 07:18:21

Bruh I don’t miss having an alarm at like 4am for one of their phone calls lmao
2021-06-04 07:01:04

Play it a few times but eventually drop coz it fvcks up my sleeping schedule LOL
2021-06-04 06:08:04
2021-06-04 05:39:55
2021-06-04 05:39:32
2021-06-04 05:22:17
2021-06-04 05:11:28

But I'm too tired grinding hourglasses
2021-06-04 05:04:26

I immediately got friendzoned by yoosung(?) Right off the bat and then the game ended for me djskagak
2021-06-04 05:02:04
2021-06-04 05:00:34

and i cheated my way through the whole thing. exploits and grinding baby~
2021-06-04 04:55:21
2021-06-04 04:44:30
2021-06-04 04:33:14

messed up my sleeping schedules hence led to my failure in life altogether
2021-06-04 04:28:42
2021-06-04 04:17:38

Why do you think I'm so sleep deprived and my eyes hurt from crying sm?
2021-06-04 04:10:15
2021-06-04 04:09:30
2021-06-04 04:03:48

Saeyoung , Yoosung , Saeran best bois