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a line group chat

People who want to do this (200)
2020-06-20 23:25:47
2020-06-20 22:56:53
2020-06-20 22:41:06
2020-06-20 22:28:18

I’m actually looking for an RP partner in LINE so holler if interested
2020-06-20 21:20:47

pls add me if you have a gc on line T_T ID: _ari_777
2020-06-20 21:19:33
2020-06-20 17:14:37
2020-06-20 14:38:22

add me plz id : ia_marvell
2020-06-20 14:01:36
2020-06-06 19:55:24

i would love to join and talk to ppl with the same interest
2020-06-03 20:38:29
2020-05-16 13:15:48
2020-05-12 12:49:29
2020-05-01 07:18:48
2020-05-01 07:14:04
2020-04-04 14:13:57
2020-04-01 22:04:46

Haiii, feel free to add me!! ID: izmekate
2020-02-29 13:44:44
2020-02-29 11:06:23
2020-02-29 08:37:49

Add me to ^^ ID: silentgoth