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a line group chat

People who want to do this (200)
2020-02-27 01:22:01
2020-02-25 16:06:19
2020-02-24 23:37:51
2020-02-24 22:46:53

Meee Id is izumiluna
2020-02-24 21:24:10

Add me too
2020-02-24 20:22:22

My id is __4km
2020-02-24 18:14:39

I want to talk freely to my friends about , yaoi ,but they don't know I read stuff like that. I'm lonely .
2020-02-24 15:15:42

My id is clanis1331 add me if u want talk about stuff yaoi manga and other. Thanks for notice this comment
2020-02-24 08:45:55

Line group where we can talk openly about everything we're interested in and other stuff ? Comment your line ID
2020-02-21 19:23:24
2020-02-21 03:59:10
2020-02-20 20:57:44

my line ID is joxo if anyone wants it ^~^
2020-02-20 17:26:12

I’d love to talk to new people about mangas and other stuff. My id line is Dembecca, feel free to add me and text me :))
2020-02-20 12:15:55

I want to join yaoi/shounen ai group chat on Line ! Can u guys add me >< my id boahime
2020-02-20 10:05:58

I want to but I don't have a LINE :(
2020-02-09 08:38:40

Make a discord server Wanna join?
2020-02-09 06:30:14
2020-02-09 01:39:51

Hello pls add me. ID: nocturnaljune

2020-02-08 21:25:13
2020-02-08 20:58:54

Add me Dezaronni I need more friends please!!