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mistaken for being gay

People who did this (78)
2021-05-18 02:13:50
2021-05-01 13:27:22
2021-04-26 19:29:06
2021-04-25 06:25:58
2021-04-24 17:48:26

Whyyyyy!!? (ノ ̄皿 ̄)ノ
2021-03-05 20:41:09
2021-02-03 05:45:51
2021-02-03 01:58:36
2021-01-21 16:10:10
2021-01-02 17:21:03

I hardly opened up to new people and new place but when someone reaches for me first then im gonna latch on that person.
2021-01-02 15:30:32

i always used to hold hands with my tall bestfriend because i was short so the dudes always called us lesbians.
2021-01-02 13:21:21

i was at a "party" i was very drunk. And my ex was also there. She kissed me and im pretty sure someone yelled lesbians
2021-01-02 12:46:08

me & my best friend used to hold hands and got called lesbians, a few years later i started dating her.
2021-01-02 09:12:02

Middle school I walked around in the rain with my bff under one umbrella cuz our usual benches were wet then a boy yelled lesbians!
2021-01-02 09:01:39
2021-01-02 06:01:28
2020-12-23 14:04:04
2020-12-11 14:22:58

Thing wasn't a mistake
2020-12-10 14:09:42
2020-11-29 21:07:04