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mistaken for being gay

People who did this (78)
2020-10-12 02:44:31

The truth is... I'm actually aroace
2020-10-12 02:10:15

2020-10-12 01:57:18

I always like to be kind and remind my friends that i love them so everyone thought i was a lesbian but i dont actually like anyone lol
2020-10-12 01:55:15

My friend thought i had a crush on her but im not attracted to humans
2020-10-12 00:30:37

Well when i was in middle school ppl mistaken me as gay be cause of me and my bsf (but im lesbian now lmao)
2020-10-12 00:24:51

Own mother thought I was gay cuz I printed Yaoi pictures
2020-10-02 04:10:13 i? maybe but so what? its hard for me to come out to ppl and then theyre like "yeah we know" or "its obvious". like damn okay then
2020-07-06 20:21:20
2020-07-02 09:04:36

twas so stupid this popular boy (had a crush on and we were friends) thought i was lesbian because i never talked to other boys smh lmao
2020-06-29 05:41:05
2020-05-30 21:04:33
2020-05-01 22:48:56
2020-05-01 21:14:21

It was to this party a couple of years back.This dyke basically pull my lollipop out my mouth then started smiling at me.So embarrassing XD
2020-05-01 21:01:12

my friends thought it would be fun to joke and around that I’m gay but everyone now thinks I’m gay but I didn’t correct them coz it’s fun
2020-05-01 19:52:19

When you're a girl and have a girlfriend, ppl love to assume you're gay. But nope. Still bi.
2020-05-01 19:40:54

I looks like a straight female. But I'm sure my soul is actually a male. Just like a man traped in female body and still loves d*ck
2020-05-01 17:28:26
2020-05-01 17:24:40