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read bad yaoi or hentai manga

People who did this (133)
2021-01-21 03:22:55

You mean the 99.9% of the stories here right?
2021-01-18 09:25:50
2021-01-16 14:49:37
2021-01-16 08:21:12
2021-01-16 08:09:22
2021-01-16 07:09:58
2021-01-16 06:49:12
2021-01-16 06:30:26
2021-01-16 05:56:50
2021-01-16 04:51:59
2021-01-16 04:45:07

Um it was about this person acting like this other persons dead dog. its wierd, its plot was bad. I didnt enjoy it. And i dont remember name

2021-01-16 04:40:07
2021-01-16 04:02:52
2021-01-16 02:18:55

by accident.. immediately dropped it lol
2021-01-16 02:03:45

Well i have read a lot of manga like A LOT so reading bad yaoi cannot be avoided. I literally read one that traumatized me for a few months.
2021-01-16 01:34:58
2021-01-16 00:12:13
2021-01-12 20:25:25
2021-01-12 17:49:25

idk its fun oh... what if is this going to happend to me someday hmmmmmm
2021-01-12 16:33:56