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fuck she couldn't even tell what she did was wrong not until she had die ahh fuck dammit
she love the wrong person and she express her love wrong but can u blame her when no 1show her howto
oh wow this is sadful man change his hair to his eyes for her taste
ahh i fucking hate BL tragedy fuck my heart
oh man poor dude suffering
oh my fucking god u bastard got me crying
oh man poor dude
oh my god he's crying make him stop nooooo ahhhh poor dude
oh fuck fuck some1 help her she is crying ahhhh
dam the way she beg for him to kill her tells u how much shit she went through at the temple
ahhhhh sniper finally came around
what the fuck what the fucking fuckkkkkk
that's fucking cruel noo some1 help her please i beg u
man i feel bad for this dude he got the worst end of the stick
ohh that kind of hurts a bit but can u blame FL when he's the 1 that said off with her head
u r one annoying ass motherfucker but keep your niece safe i beg u she isthe only 1 that's remaining
oh my god girl got my eyes to get watery
ahhhh that's just sad man
299 photos
25 12,2015 created

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