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oh my god her soul is 23 but i still wanna hug her cause her life seem to be filled with fake love
oh my god poor woman i fell so bad for her she taught the bastard would come back but he never did
ahhh i wanna cry i wanna hug her ahhh my fucking heart is being ripped out of me for her
ahhhh that poor child
fuck she was better off with the adoptive mother the real family r garbage
ML lets's go we going to kill those child abuser
ahhh this kid is broken ahhhhhh all what he ever wanted was for this so call family to love him
oh god he's crying poor kid
man this kid didn't deserve this much abuse along with the brainwashing
ahhhhhh i wanna hug this dam kid omg he wants closure he wants tobe loved ahh my heart fuck it hurts
I wanna give Chung-Ho a hug now all what he wanted what to be loved by that shitty family ahhhhh
ahhhh she died
ahhhh she died
ahhhh she died
ahhhh she died
ahhhh she died
ahhhh she died
298 photos
25 12,2015 created

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