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u crazy motherfucker i know he would do some shit like this
this dude is crazy but that stepmother bitch deserve it how dare her wear some1 else gift
this crazy motherfucker don't do that there u in front of people bro hold back yourself
lmao 2 crazy bitches meeting
the 4th crackhead in this webtoon
the whole fucking clan is full with crackhead like bro i don't think any1 have common sense
shit this girl is crazy but i like it
the fuck bro might be fucking crazy cause he ain't taking no for an answer
oh my god MC is fucking crazy but I like that about him show that disgusting person who is a better
oh hell naa this motherfucker is crazy thinking she will marry him when he basically destroy herHome
ahh shit this crazy girl got me at the edge of my seat we both know that ain't a magicalKeyOrWeapon
can some1 kill this guy he's annonying
well i think he may actually be fucking crazy
well shit i think we might have a psycho on our hands now
excuse me what r u finally going crazy?
1 wrong move and the towel will fall u crazy woman also that dude may come home
nnnnoooo this motherfucker but gotta say he looking fine though naa he looking hot in the heels
150 photos
14 06,2022 created

cold hearted's other album