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agreed ML she is one crazy motherfucker like woman fight for what is right
oh shit this crazy motherfucker FL
oh shit this crazy motherfucker FL
wtf what he's a crazy motherfucker or what?
this crazy motherfucker what u doing boy
look at my crazy MC that doesn't cheat like those assholes
man u really a crazy ass motherfucker
this crazy as motherfucker u have a death wish
yo this mc is the real crazy motherfucker
this crazy motherfucker is what you call a madman
welph we got 2 crazy motherfucker on our hand now
dam this woman is crazy but in a good way i actually like it
fuck u smile like the devil or like a crazy motherfucker
wow u r crazy in a good way but seriously i don't want u to die i will fucking cry if u do
wow this crazy motherfucker is a fighter that will do anything for his family nice i like u man
holy fuck looks like he summoning an angle well that is smart
holy fuck i had a hunch but i didn't think it was gonna be real
my fucking god both parents r fucking crazy
146 photos
14 06,2022 created

cold hearted's other album