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i'm sorry but i wouldn't believe you maybe in the past you did but not right now by your action
lmao but bro why u trying to push her so much if you so call liked her?
wtf why the fuck u half-naked? u dangerous man if u like that when u open the door like tha for FL
wtf what the fuck so confused
i don't fucking trust no one run girl and hid till u get your memories u a sitting duck at thisPoint
wtf i'm not buying that shit man is hella sus
what the fuck ? sharing bed? who is this dude? what's the back story?
oh he didn't shot her thank god
whatttt the fffuck did he just shot her?
excuse me i don't buy this bro i don't trust this man
how the fuck do u know him?
what the fuck r u a gangster and u have a psychologist cover job?
what the fuck since when was he your "man" ? since fucking when were you in a relationship?
wtf how did he find this or did she mess up the papers?
oh my fucking god these 2 motherfuckers are fucking cute
wait what? what the fuck he knows her way before she was his wife holy shit. how?
wtf why she sleeping in your room bro?
oh fuck are we going down the BL path i don't fucking mind
178 photos
24 07,2022 created

cold hearted's other album