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wtf ML liked him this is why he believe MC lies oh shit if it's ever discovered MC will die
see i fucking told u he bug the room
lmao wtf ML believe MC shit wtf
who the fuck is u bro?
wtf is going on here bro ? she is sus
bruh what is the deal with the pair of mother and daughter?
WTF is this BDSM?
ehh what slap? is this going down the BDSM path?
wtf why is there blood?
hold up u planning on eating all of them in front of that guy? u must be fucking crazy if u do
bro wtf are we getting back stab?
bro what what the fuck u mean ? y u do that
what the fuck why he accepts? what's his deal?
why he laughing is he crazy? or ... does he want this marriage ? shit
who the fuck is this bitch yo ?
this is so complicated he loves his wife no FL oh shit poor dude
wait hold up wtf? what?
what? wtf? married?
178 photos
24 07,2022 created

cold hearted's other album