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WHO IS THIS MAN? He apologizes sincerely and immediately, he provides what the mc needs no strings??
that's the first time I see an alpha male lead consult the parents? what in the healthy relationship
that' so cute
I care! I have to live through the embarrassment too
I understand that he's rich but you can't even cut an apple as a highschool student??
that is actually the first time I see a male lead be concerned about a thin body
jealousy, embarrassment and badly hidden excitement.
not the lgbtq ally mom we expected, but the one we needed
you can't accomplish your way into someone's heart
"There is only one room left." A look of complete devastation
that's not his knee
Wow... she should have slapped you twice
Oh, I know. They say "good person" but what they mean is "push-over"
You got this, Jinsung! Assert yourself!
401 photos
26 07,2022 created

alex reads's other album