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I thought he had separation anxiety or something. But the realization of why? <span class="emoji emoji
I’m sorry hahahahaha
I feel like, I like this manhwa so much that I’d save every single scene
Character Development!!
As Gumball Once Said” I think we all know where this is going”
Hahhahaha I need to make a video explaining in detail how good this is
If Hawa gets hurt, watching Rozy go berserk is something I’m hyped for
Why is he blushing? Do people do this ? Blushing when surprised???
I love them
Taeju's rizz here idk like ahahahha
Hahaha this joke never gets old
This feels like meme material hahahaha
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Him and his mom are into gangsters
Seeing their phenomenal chemistry, reminds me how much Historical Isekai's are so flat .
I need manhwa authors to explain specifically when stories take place. This could be in the 2010's +
Why did I remember that scene from Aladdin? Lol, but this convo began feeling ai generated at this l
No words, just this masterpiece of a scene
I add pretty art in the album for references, while commenting on the scenes
2124 photos
09 12,2022 created

Abiu's other album