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yep i follow that motto in life " out of sight out of mind"
story of my life lol
kids this is why u shouldn't trust your emotions too much
yep i would like to kill my father too even if it means undoing my birth in the process
i wish that we could have good things in life just because ;to bad that's not possible
oh fuck my symptoms
should take this to my grave
wow good rules for relationship
life is really harsh
man she really lived a harsh life but that's life cause life is never easy it's always harsh to many
fuck the fact that MC and my daddy issues can be link is really fucked up
lmao the author life is somewhat unpredictable but at the same time predictable
well that's life for u
that's life that's y u should separate your feeling and know what type of person u gonna fell for
true that
that's life bitch but u don't see me going around asking my 1 night stand for a 2nd night now do u
smart lesson "never give your heart to anyone" and she learns it as such a young age
219 photos
03 01,2020 created

cold hearted's other album