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life lesson kids sometime blood isn't everything it can be a burden instead of salvation
that's what a person should do
see this woman is too trusting right now this is y i say once the FL like ML she does stupid shit or
ML speak the truth even i would leave her ass she starting to do stupid shit when she is in danger
fuck this dude know's me although i don't like him he speaks the truth in my life idk about other
bruh i fucking hate summer it make me made sweaty like i'm not even doing a shit and i'm sweating
man girl is living my life expect no fucking knight in shining armor just my self to defend me
wow life and death really fucking with him and me life is just fucking me over and death reject me
if only ...
well this will make a great memes when your done with life lol
story of my live rather die alone than be in a fucking relationship cause it get complicated
man i'm always fearful if my degree turn out to be useless
thats call life
oh no i got a feeling life gonna make FL sad by killing the nanny i hope not
217 photos
03 01,2020 created

cold hearted's other album