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Comments of Secrets of His Forbidden Cinderella

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2022-08-21 04:29
wow..commit a crime and have the audacity to blame others all in name of love...if its man who did this he would be a criminal..fl is a bitch
2022-08-05 05:18
2022-04-10 00:25
This was not for me. He was an asshole from beginning to end and was annoying when he did the heel turn kind of I guess? But I dislike her so much more. She went out of her way to trick a man into bed. I want y’all to let that sink in. Let it sink in real real deep and once you have considered it, I want you to take that exact premise but change the genders. Maybe then you’ll understand why this annoys me. I’m not saying anything out right, I’m just saying that the premise is super problematic. Also inappropriate because, what kind of person plans to trick someone into bed with them by changing everything about their appearance. And before you start, I know it was a masquerade ball and everybody kind of hide who they are but the fact that she knows and knew the whole time that he could not stand her as a person, even though it was wrong because he had a bad idea of her because of her myself, she knew that he disliked her immensely on principal deep deep down. And she did it anyway, she tricked him, she lied to him, she slept with him under false pretenses because had he known or had an inkling who was under the red hair I contact lenses and the mask, he would’ve thrown her out. She went out of her way to target him to get him into bed, gets pregnant, goes to tell him she’s pregnant but I want you to sign over the baby so your reputation will not be blemished. And we are supposed to believe she said all of that to him because she did not want anything from him but just one night? Because she did not want to trap him? It reads like a psychotic sociopathic woman stalking her first. But that’s exactly what it is. He’s an inexcusable asshole with issues but she’s freaking nuts. She literally stalked, targeted and tricked a guy into sleeping with her, finds out she’s pregnant and then tells him but tries to be not like “other girls” and says I don’t want your money or anything just sign over the baby. Because someone in his position in life would let that happen *snort* yeah right! At least her mother, who is also a bit of a twat, owned her shit. I mean sure, her mother falls in love and out of love constantly. And let’s not unpack all of the things wrong with that, but she owns it. She makes no apologies for the fact that this is who she is at all.

But the daughter is somehow so much more toxic than her mother. I dislike the male lead in this so much like I said he’s an asshole, but at the end of this I feel sorry for him because it reads like he was backed into a corner because she’s pregnant with his child, she tricked him into bed and got pregnant and I’m assuming lied about birth control because let’s just throw that in there because I doubt she even thought about it even though it should’ve also been on his mind so it’s both their fault, so he has no choice because of where he is in life and his station he has to marry her. And the longer he’s with her the more she whines at him and everything just kind of comes out, he’s in a very vulnerable position mentally and every which way because of the stress and the issues with his dad and then seeing this woman again and then he has this girl saying I love you I’ve always loved you and all of this dribble. He’s a victim. He’s an asshole but he’s also a huge victim and was trapped. He was a baby trapped by his deranged, because her thinking process-years after their parents divorce, being unable to connect with other people because she “loves” this guy who Hates Her Guts On Principle, formulates a plan, executes a plan where she tricks a man to sleep with her under false pretenses, and when she finds out she’s pregnant she tells him and is suddenly *gasps! shocked!* when he demands marriage because he’s a freaking DUKE AND SHE MIGHT BE A CRAZY STALKER PLAYING THE LONG GAME BUT FUCK IT SHES CARRYING HIS HEIR- she cannot be anything but deranged. Unhinged might also be another goody to use.

Anyway he’s stuck with his stalker who is also the daughter of the woman he hated for many years.

Ihate this story so much and I hate that I came off of it wanting nothing to do but to rant. And I hate the fact that nobody else made the connection of her tricking him the way that she did being A Bad Thing. And yes. It’s all in capitals because we all will know exactly the word that I am thinking or the two words that I’m thinking but I’m not gonna put because change the genders and y’all would’ve been screaming it till the cows come home that he did the bad thing by tricking her. If it were the other way around. I hate the story so much. I feel like I should read the novel because the novel might clear things up but I’m terrified that it’s just gonna make things so much worse.

And because I’m seeing a lot of people saying he’s using his wealth to make her marry him by taking her to the cabin and whatever the fuck else? He took her there to force her into marriage the way that he did because he literally hates her guts. He’s upset, he’s angry and he hates her on principle and in his head because the bitch is deranged, he probably assumed that she would do whatever he wanted or matter what. Or maybe he needed to force her because he thought she was like her mother, his opinion, and that she would probably try to bribe him for money or something. Also if he had a horrible opinion of her plus the hatred he probably thought that his child of his would be abused or neglected or whatever the fuck because he thought she was like her mother. I’m not excusing him, it was a total dick move and also psychotic when you put yourself in that position where it’s like I hate this piece of shit but I have to marry them because of this I hate this piece of shit I’ve always hated them, and I’m saying that because I’m assuming that someone like him probably thought that but in a nicer way somehow? Of course he was going to do anything to get her to agree. He doesn’t want his kid to be born out of wedlock because, and he also probably felt that the child would be safer with him because he had a horrible opinion about her. So better to marry her and have the person he loves beside him so that he can raise his child safely then to have her go away with his child and then assume the worst is happening to the kid. And also probably super sketched out insulted and angry at himself and hurt by the fact that she was so easily able to trick him into giving her the D. So super sketchy shit super creepy shit he’s a total asshole and that’s why I don’t like him that whole cabin thing was bullshit but I’m not saying I wouldn’t do the same if the person whose guts I hated just for breathing because their mother, in his head, drove his father to drinking to death, had tricked him. He probably thought that she was doing it for money too so it’s just toxic. Everyone Sucks.
2022-04-04 00:55
Ok.. it's just fine...
2021-11-07 18:20
Dear me... Another rich, entitled psychopath who uses his wealth, influence, and physical strength to kidnap, blackmail, and mentally torture a pregnant woman half his size. This is undoubtedly noblesse oblige at its finest.
2021-10-20 09:58
The fl is so dumb. Who tf blindly follows someone, even getting on a plane without knowing their destination. Dump people do.
2021-10-20 08:09
Harlequin females sure are masochist, they fall in love with the guys who torture and insult them the most.
2021-10-20 04:38
She started good...then I was disappointed when she agreed to marry him. She really wanted to marry the man who asked her to do hard labour while in her first trimester???!! Pumping the water out is already a hard labour damnit
2021-10-20 02:22
Hated the arrogant pussy ML, blaming everyone but himself bc of his pitiful childhood!
Name: Secrets of His Forbidden Cinderella
Status: Completed   
Author: Caitlin Crews , Yu Senke 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei
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