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Great art but shitty misogynistic storyline

Rosey_Panda April 19, 2021 3:40 am

Clicked for the art then the plot made me want to nuke all the men in existence. If you're into blackmail, lightsaber dicks and vaginas, rape that isn't sexy but shows nothing other than how alot of women get treated all around the world (not well and like objectified sex objects) then this is the manga for you! Actually maybe the storyline is great if the intention is to bring out how unhealthy sexual relationships CAN be and to sell that one anti rape thing for women that clamp down on a guys thing then make the guy go through a spiritual eye opening experience where they don't try to force innocent women to do things against their will because the guy has issues and thinks he's too manly for therapy. Yes i need a hug and i need to wash my brain after reading this manga. 10/10 art though

    ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ April 19, 2021 3:43 am

    I agree, all the men in the story made me want to chug bleach