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Finished reading it and I am dissatisfied with the story. There were so many questionable ...

Devil May 30, 2016 2:48 pm

Finished reading it and I am dissatisfied with the story. There were so many questionable things. Probably because it is a manga that not everything was portray how it should be or the translation was lost.
Or I simply over look on the reading.

♢Souichiro and his trustworthy servant knew that Sumi looked like Nozumu's mother. So he purposely dress her up more so(?).
♢Souichiro and Nozumu were childhood(?) good friends, yet it seem Souchiro had bad intentions. Like he was hoping his friend to want his wife.
♢ Nozumu seem like a good person until he went a little crazy.
♢What happened to that spy maid? And, that guy that told her to do the spying?

Oh well. It was an okay manga, I would not read it again. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    Kazure August 3, 2016 5:32 pm

    The manga had to rush the ending. She wanted to discontinue it but a lot of fans didn't want it to end with Sumi finding out Nozomu was her bro... I followed this manga for a long time and maybe it was too long, the mangaka lost the spark she had with this manga ╥﹏╥