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    Karino June 28, 2016 5:29 pm
    I think Kuze started out doing it because Karino told him to--but Karino didn' tell him to rape Atsumu while Atsumu was forced to enter Azua. That was all Kuze--he didn't care how upset and hurt Atsumu was--ins... Anoni Grrl

    Yes, he was pissed at Atsumu, because he lied.

    Anonymous June 28, 2016 5:36 pm
    I think you may be placing too much emphasis on orgasm. I did notice Azusa didn't cum when Atsumu was in him, and that can be significant in his story because hose things can be symbolic in fiction, but it does... Anoni Grrl

    Yea Karino broke the deal and he deserves to be bitten. I said it before but a strong opponent will strike because Karino is in his way and he's not the softy type like Azusa. It's interesting to see how things will evolve with senzaki in the equation.

    Anoni Grrl June 28, 2016 5:45 pm
    Yes, he was pissed at Atsumu, because he lied. @Karino

    Atsumu didn't lie. Atsumu simply didn't tell Kuze everything, and Kuze never asked. And being pissed doesn't change the fact that Kuze was straight up abusive at that point because Kuze got off on it.

    Karino June 28, 2016 7:24 pm
    Yea Karino broke the deal and he deserves to be bitten. I said it before but a strong opponent will strike because Karino is in his way and he's not the softy type like Azusa. It's interesting to see how things... @Anonymous

    *Yea Karino broke the deal and he deserves to be bitten.*

    Yes and no. "Do you want to get fucked by me or do you want to get fucked by everyone?" Atsumu is not Karino but he's not everyone either. The funny part is that it's still Karino fucking with Azusa :D

    *because Karino is in his way and he's not the softy type like Azusa* - I don't understand.

    *It's interesting to see how things will evolve with senzaki in the equation*

    If Karino and Senzaki will actually confront each other, I'm curious whether Azusa will help Senzaki and get his revenge done (especially since Karino keeps telling him to fight back and Azusa's words "don't regret it when I do" make me think that it's possible) or he will help Karino and by doing that get closer to Karino, since that what he wanted from the beginning.

    Karino June 28, 2016 7:25 pm
    Atsumu didn't lie. Atsumu simply didn't tell Kuze everything, and Kuze never asked. And being pissed doesn't change the fact that Kuze was straight up abusive at that point because Kuze got off on it. Anoni Grrl

    "Atsumu, who were you with just now?" - "No one, I just had my lunch" - If that's not a lie, I don't know what is..How Kuze felt at that moment was written on his face.

    Karino June 28, 2016 7:30 pm
    while reading CT and editing this part i didn't think as much as you.but now you made me think so much about this chap, about Caste Heaven @@@ thaongan2509

    It's fun, isn't it? :D

    Anoni Grrl June 28, 2016 7:48 pm

    I had forgotten that. But just because Atsumu did something arguably wrong doesn't make Kuze's abuse any less abusive. Catching your lover in a lie is a good reason to have a fight, be angry, or stop speaking to him. Group rape while your lover sobs isn't really something that can be justfied.

    I am open to the idea that Karino has conflicting feelings he doesn't understand, and I may see evidence in the future that supports him having other feelings. But this scene is abusive by both him and even more so by manipulative schmoozy Kuze. Talk about lying--all the BS Kuze feed Atsumu is nothing but a self-serving lie. Kuze has not changed at all.

    Karino and Azusa might have complicated feelings that develop in spite of this, but there is no justification that makes this okay. At this time, Karino and Kuze are acting like complete dick heads. After this, I will need something substantial to make me believe Karino has feelings for Azusa instead of just using Azusa.

    I am not saying you can't hurt the one you love--because, well, obviously I know better. But involving other people makes it less personal and more abusive. The justifications are just rationalizations. At this time. Karino is getting off on the power, not the person.

    Anoni Grrl June 28, 2016 8:08 pm
    I had forgotten that. But just because Atsumu did something arguably wrong doesn't make Kuze's abuse any less abusive. Catching your lover in a lie is a good reason to have a fight, be angry, or stop speaking t... Anoni Grrl

    Let me add that I can like a character and still not like some things that character does. You know I love Azusa, but many things he does are wrong, particularly in chapter 1. I understand why he does these things, but that doesn't mean he isn't being an ass when he does them.

    So, I don't hate Karino, but some of the things he does are wrong. I may understand why he does them (sort of, we don't really get his POV) but he is still being an ass when he does these things.

    Just like I like Senzaki, but if/when Senzaki puts the hurt on Karino, whatever the justification, it will probably be a dick move.

    Karino June 28, 2016 9:16 pm
    I had forgotten that. But just because Atsumu did something arguably wrong doesn't make Kuze's abuse any less abusive. Catching your lover in a lie is a good reason to have a fight, be angry, or stop speaking t... Anoni Grrl

    About it being abusive - I agree, I've never said it wasn't, we were talking about reasons behind it. I disagree that the only thing Karino enjoys is power, he has power as is, over everyone in his class, he's a king, but the only one he likes to kiss and the only one he protects from others is Azusa. If he'll be willing to protect him from himself - we'll see.

    Karino June 28, 2016 9:18 pm
    Let me add that I can like a character and still not like some things that character does. You know I love Azusa, but many things he does are wrong, particularly in chapter 1. I understand why he does these thi... Anoni Grrl

    I adore Karino, but the double-rape scene or when he shooed Azusa away in a very rude manner (when Azusa came to visit him) - I didn't like all that much, so I understand what you mean by liking a character, but not all of his actions.

    Anoni Grrl June 28, 2016 9:50 pm
    About it being abusive - I agree, I've never said it wasn't, we were talking about reasons behind it. I disagree that the only thing Karino enjoys is power, he has power as is, over everyone in his class, he's ... @Karino

    Karino enjoys having power over Azusa specifi8ically and he enjoys playing with Asuza. Up to this point,that's all I am really sure of.

    Are you familiar with Ai no Kusabi?

    In that story iason Mink of the elite ruling class forces Rikki, who used to run a gang in the slums, to be his pet (sex slave). I knew Iason loved Riki because Iason would not take Riki to sex parties for others to use. There were other things later on, but Iason's exclusiveness and protectiveness were the first clues. There was one scene where Iason had one of the furniture (servants) give Riki and blow job as part of training, but I think Iason really did think of the furniture as a tool to be used instead of as a person, and it only happened once (if I remember correctly). Maybe the same is true of how Karion looks at Atsumu--but Kuze was there and Kuze is a member of Karinos social class, so it still kind of breaks the idea that Karion is keeping Azusa all for himself.

    Karino June 28, 2016 10:23 pm
    Karino enjoys having power over Azusa specifi8ically and he enjoys playing with Asuza. Up to this point,that's all I am really sure of. Are you familiar with Ai no Kusabi? Anoni Grrl

    Ai no Kusabi is the reason I started reading yaoi :D
    As for Karino - of course he has ways to go to the "I'll give it all for you" stage of love. He's not an easy one, now is he? heh. All I'm saying is that power is not what he's after when it comes to Azusa, he has enough of it and he will have (if he follows his father's steps).
    P.S. Now that you mentioned it, if he let Kuze do that - well, THAT would kill Azusa completely, I think.

    Anonymous June 28, 2016 11:32 pm
    *Yea Karino broke the deal and he deserves to be bitten.*Yes and no. "Do you want to get fucked by me or do you want to get fucked by everyone?" Atsumu is not Karino but he's not everyone either. The funny part... @Karino

    Karino is the only one who can fuck Azusa by letting Atsumu doing him it means anybody can fuck Azusa if Karino agree with this.

    For Senzaki I think he will use Karino's weakness to confront him and his true feelings.
    Did you notice both Karino and Tatsumi will reset their respective lover after graduation but I think they will not be able to do it.

    Karino June 29, 2016 12:54 am
    Karino is the only one who can fuck Azusa by letting Atsumu doing him it means anybody can fuck Azusa if Karino agree with this.For Senzaki I think he will use Karino's weakness to confront him and his true fee... @Anonymous

    *by letting Atsumu doing him it means anybody can fuck Azusa if Karino agree with this*

    No, it doesn't. Atsumu and Azusa got kinda close to each other, in a friendly sort of way, but still. Atsumu is the only one who sympathises with Azusa, while others hate him. If in his place was any other of his classmates - that would break Azusa for good. And it's obvious that Karino didn't sign any contract, he could force Azusa without making him choose, it's just was more fun for him that way. So yeah, he can do whatever he wants, but that's just makes it more precious that he protects Azusa.
    And it's not so easy for him to do that, if you remember his classmates hate Azusa so much that they were angry at Karino for not letting them punish him. His classmates have right by the rules of the game to torture the joker and if it wasn't for the respect and the fear they felt towards Karino and his ability to manipulate the crowd, Azusa would have to deal with real shit.

    *For Senzaki I think he will use Karino's weakness to confront him and his true feelings* - Possible. But what do you mean by "Karino's weakness"?

    *Did you notice both Karino and Tatsumi will reset their respective lover after graduation but I think they will not be able to do it*

    Yes, I said that in the topic right above this one :D

    Anoni Grrl June 29, 2016 2:24 am
    *by letting Atsumu doing him it means anybody can fuck Azusa if Karino agree with this*No, it doesn't. Atsumu and Azusa got kinda close to each other, in a friendly sort of way, but still. Atsumu is the only on... @Karino

    i don't think that the class hates Azusa that much,though he had made some enemies. I think the class is mad because they are all used to being able to vent their frustrations by taking it out on a target and Karino isn't letting them do that. They are only somewhat pacified that Karino is punishing Azusa because it'snot really about punishment--it's about everyone, no matter how low on the pyramid, having at least one person they can look down on--and that is Asuza, not because they all personally hate him, but because he is the target. Before that, it was Atsumu, and they all got to treat Atsumu like crap so they were happy.

    Anonymous June 29, 2016 3:09 am
    *by letting Atsumu doing him it means anybody can fuck Azusa if Karino agree with this*No, it doesn't. Atsumu and Azusa got kinda close to each other, in a friendly sort of way, but still. Atsumu is the only on... @Karino

    Senzaki can't hurt Karino because he's Tatsumi's little brother and the King. I think he will use Azusa to deal with Karino like don't get in my way or I will crush your precious lover/toy. Karino unable to protect Azusa from him will be a huge blow for his pride.

    thaongan2509 June 29, 2016 4:45 am

    Seeing your replies, all of a sudden, i think "What would happen if the teacher named Gondou and Senzaki cooperate together?"
    oh yeah, this won't happen in manga, it's just my random question...

    Karino June 29, 2016 1:28 pm
    Senzaki can't hurt Karino because he's Tatsumi's little brother and the King. I think he will use Azusa to deal with Karino like don't get in my way or I will crush your precious lover/toy. Karino unable to pro... @Anonymous

    Interesting theory. But Senzaki is one higher, he's not in the same class with Karino and he's a delinquent, he breaks the rules (same way criminals do in rl) and he is crazily in love, and he's plain crazy, anything is possible.

    Karino June 29, 2016 1:32 pm
    i don't think that the class hates Azusa that much,though he had made some enemies. I think the class is mad because they are all used to being able to vent their frustrations by taking it out on a target and K... Anoni Grrl

    Can you show me one person apart from Atsumu that sympathises with Azusa? It's obvious that by humiliating a joker others feel better about themselves, like in "I'm not a king, but at least I'm not a joker" way and they would love to torture any joker as a matter of fact. But Azusa was a cruel and arrogant king, so they would enjoy it 10 times more to humiliate him in any ways possible. They even sympathised with Atsumu (kinda) when Azusa broke his face with a ball, but do you see anyone sympathising with Azusa? Remember how that geek was angry with Azusa? Now that fat boy and girl(s) that Azusa humiliated? Maybe there is couple of people in the class that Azusa haven't annoyed yet, but we can only suggest, since the only one Ogawa shows to sympathises with Azusa (for some reason) is Atsumu.

    Karino June 29, 2016 1:33 pm
    Seeing your replies, all of a sudden, i think "What would happen if the teacher named Gondou and Senzaki cooperate together?"oh yeah, this won't happen in manga, it's just my random question... thaongan2509

    That would be fun, hehe, well, anything is possible in this manga, believe me :D