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    blackdia July 6, 2016 9:31 pm

    Girls (assuming you both are girls) you read it so carefully and seriously it discourages me somehow. One one side, it's beautiful there's such an attentive public for the author, but on the other hand it's like you're forgetting completely that the development depends on the public's reaction, so it's impossible to be so affirmative about the characters after a few chapters (and yes, they are "a few" since she continuously changes the focus). I agree on things said before in other discussion - she seems to be a very strong-headed author, not the kind that will immediately react changing the story- but at this point it doesn't matter at all what she said publicly, we all know the original plot must have been different. To be clear, I appreciate a lot to read your passionate and hyper-intellingent comments, but you take it so seriously you don't even see when someone is joking. Do I believe that hardness=happiness, or that rape=good if yo come? GOD NO. But this story is so excessive and, at the same time, the perpetual changing subject seems such a way out of continuing the main story that, until I will actually see something really interesting again, I won't take anything for sure. Karino is supposed to be this incredible bad-ass character and that's exactly why it's highly possible he'll turn out being weaker than he seems, or it would really be too obvious. I'll go on reading your speculations, they truly are amusing (at some point, more than the real story, God knows that before chapter 8 I was dying out of boredom because of Kuze/Atsumu). Have a great week!

    Karino July 6, 2016 11:14 pm
    Girls (assuming you both are girls) you read it so carefully and seriously it discourages me somehow. One one side, it's beautiful there's such an attentive public for the author, but on the other hand it's lik... blackdia

    That’s what we do, that’s what I do in any case – joking, having fun discussing favorite manga, killing time before the new chap comes out (the amount of my smileys, hehes and hahas makes it obvious..or so I thought). I’m much into yaoi lately and I’m trying hard to read other works of other authors, but in comparison with Ogawa they are so tasteless, boring and dull that at some point I find it more entertaining to talk about Caste Heaven than read that unreadable staff.

    First 4 chapters of Caste Heaven is the best I’ve ever read in yaoi so no wonder that in comparison with Karino/Azusa the other two couples are less appealing (though there are those who like them more). And I know how much Karino is hated so I won’t be surprised if something horrible will happen to him or he will turn out to be the noblest and kindest person in the world, heh. Though I do hope that sensei is stubborn enough to end the story the way she planned to. As for the characters – we have what we have and we have enough to see how complicated and multicolored they are, and no matter what happens next - it might only add some colors, but it can’t wipe off what we’ve already seen.

    PS Thank you! Have a great week you too!

    Anoni Grrl July 6, 2016 11:57 pm
    Girls (assuming you both are girls) you read it so carefully and seriously it discourages me somehow. One one side, it's beautiful there's such an attentive public for the author, but on the other hand it's lik... blackdia

    You should take me with a grain of salt. I 'm not so entirely serious--I just like to talk a lot. There is a show called Orange is The New Black where a character called Brook Soso says she is sometimes afraid to laugh because she has learned through experience that people are sometimes unintentionally funny. I don't mean you ( did put an "LOL" on my comment to you) but in some cases, I am not entirely sure.

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