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This manga was so cute!!!! Though let's be realy life this would be creepy as...

Alice July 1, 2016 9:17 am

This manga was so cute!!!! Though let's be realy life this would be creepy as fuck! I mean the dude practically stalked his sensei and took pictures of him without his knowledge...if that happened to me I honestly would run very far away where no one could find me! But still I freally loved the clueless uke and the crazy seme! :D <3

    akera August 31, 2016 9:13 am

    I'm actually an open-minded person, so if that happens to me I'd be very freaked out but I'll still listen to the person's explanation instead of running away. Love takes many forms and unless the other person is some sort of violent or really bad person, I can see myself giving him a shot (unless I already like another person of course lol ) after all he could just be an awkward person in love who can't express his feelings and uses stalking instead

    alrkitty January 18, 2017 10:24 pm

    to be honest I think it really depends on how you feel about the other person. though....I still can't believe he was okay with that clock. I wonder how he would feel if he learned about the underwear?