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Wow, after telling him you wouldn't let him carry the burden alone ever again, you drink t...

ChinScratchHmm July 10, 2021 8:33 am

Wow, after telling him you wouldn't let him carry the burden alone ever again, you drink the tea to save one girl (who doesn't look like she's gotten her memories back yet anyway so good job), plunging the empire into civil war where thousands might die instead... and of course you leave everything to Isle again...
Some promise.

Even if we accept that defying the lord is useless anyway and whatever she did the end result would be the same, she would've looked far better resisting him with all her might until he had to force-feed her the tea (I mean we didn't see the moment in question, but the implication certainly is she just gave in and drank it).
The girl's life wasn't being threatened, and the lord probably wouldn't kill her anyway because then he'd lose the one thing he has over her. Instead she threw her hands up in the air over some promise that he so obviously was never going to keep, trusting that someone else will fix this mess for her.
