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This is BS man. Just that it's licensed doesn't mean scanalators should stop. Look at view...

Anonymous September 19, 2016 4:28 pm

This is BS man. Just that it's licensed doesn't mean scanalators should stop. Look at viewfinder, ten count, vampire knight, just about almost many mangas are freakin licensed and this is an exception?

What about Naruto, bleach, and one piece? Then that should've been stopped but it didn't.

    Nnene September 22, 2016 3:15 am
    Yeah good for you so get out because this place is not for good kids like you. So good job miss justice. @Anonymous

    Mmh, I'm here to stay sadly :). Have a nice day though!

    misekatte September 22, 2016 3:19 am
    The only people here being "unfair" to you are your parents, in this case. Not that scanlations are not available and the manga costs something.And really, since you want to ask for their money, it's their own... Nnene

    You could try and earn your own money ... I was doing that from age 10 on - paper routes, baby sitting and odd jobs. My parent never bought my reading materials or my music, only the clothes on my back and the food I ate. Learn to be self sufficient instead of relying on others and then you can afford to buy this manga.

    misekatte September 22, 2016 3:19 am
    You could try and earn your own money ... I was doing that from age 10 on - paper routes, baby sitting and odd jobs. My parent never bought my reading materials or my music, only the clothes on my back and the ... misekatte

    Sorry, meant to reply to @gu.

    Anonymous September 22, 2016 3:22 am
    Mmh, I'm here to stay sadly :). Have a nice day though! Nnene

    I guess that makes you a hypocrite so yeah have a nice day!

    Nnene September 22, 2016 3:32 am
    I guess that makes you a hypocrite so yeah have a nice day! @Anonymous

    Nah. Reading skills, do you have them? I'm saying demanding that some series be scanlated in the name of fairness, in this case for a poor teenager that thinks it's unfair that her parents do not want do buy the volumes, is a pretty twisted mentality to have. Giving no regards to the author, but only about me-me-me-me.

    ミッキーマウス September 22, 2016 5:10 am
    You could try and earn your own money ... I was doing that from age 10 on - paper routes, baby sitting and odd jobs. My parent never bought my reading materials or my music, only the clothes on my back and the ... misekatte

    Oh, sooo nostalgic. I did the same thing in the past. All just for buying my fave manga 《*≧∀≦》i practically begging to some shops to give me works, doesnt care how much they will pay me since in my home country part time jobs isnt available (*´ー`*) you know, i never ask anything to my parents except for necessary stuffs since we were poor. I even doing odds jobs in school to earn money.

    Anonymous September 22, 2016 4:04 pm
    The only people here being "unfair" to you are your parents, in this case. Not that scanlations are not available and the manga costs something.And really, since you want to ask for their money, it's their own... Nnene

    Well how about to those who can't buy and read yaoi manga? It's not about money but having a homophobic country and family I can't even own mangas to myself and that's why I'm reading this site but I love this manga so much.

    Is that one unfair as u say? Because I wish to read more of this but I can't buy because of my country so what to do now?

    Nnene September 22, 2016 5:42 pm
    Well how about to those who can't buy and read yaoi manga? It's not about money but having a homophobic country and family I can't even own mangas to myself and that's why I'm reading this site but I love this ... @Anonymous

    It still doesn't make it fair for the mangaka to have her manga for free online. That's my point, it's that me/myself/I thinking. Blame your country or whatever, not the publishers and artists asking for some money in exchange of their product.

    If the issue is about "owning", you could maybe buy it digitally? You don't even have to download it, Sublime even lets you read it on their own online reader on their website.

    misekatte September 22, 2016 7:15 pm
    Well how about to those who can't buy and read yaoi manga? It's not about money but having a homophobic country and family I can't even own mangas to myself and that's why I'm reading this site but I love this ... @Anonymous

    Also - if you are under 18 you should not be reading this - yaoi is rated for adults (it is, ostensibly, pornography after all), and your rants show that you are still under age and living with your family. This is just selfish thinking.

    Anonymous September 23, 2016 12:57 am
    It still doesn't make it fair for the mangaka to have her manga for free online. That's my point, it's that me/myself/I thinking. Blame your country or whatever, not the publishers and artists asking for some m... Nnene

    That's not what I mean. I meant country where gays are punished so I can't read in public and Im here secretly without anyone knowing about this. I can't even buy digitally because Im worried that I'll be caught and pay for my crimes. so tell me how is this fair?

    Anonymous September 24, 2016 4:26 am
    It still doesn't make it fair for the mangaka to have her manga for free online. That's my point, it's that me/myself/I thinking. Blame your country or whatever, not the publishers and artists asking for some m... Nnene

    Still no answer huh... ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Anonymous September 24, 2016 9:06 am

    I think the difference here is this manga is widely available in bookstores whereas others like viewfinder are harder to find copies of now. As soon as it gets difficult to buy copies more groups will be willing to take this up again. Until then you have three options:
    1. save your pennies and buy a damn copy.
    2. wait patiently for english copies to get hard to find so groups will start translating again
    3. learn how to scanlate yourself so you can stop whining about how others aren't spending their free time working on a project, for free, that they might get sued over

    Anonymous September 24, 2016 9:29 am
    That's not what I mean. I meant country where gays are punished so I can't read in public and Im here secretly without anyone knowing about this. I can't even buy digitally because Im worried that I'll be caug... @Anonymous

    OMG, quit whining. Why would you go out in public to read a porn manga? Obviously you don't understand ... and if you think that you reading habits online can't be track, you are really niave. And, why should they break the law just so you can read this? Selfish is what you are. Some scan groups will brave the repercussions, this one chooses not to. You are the one being unfair. And in case your parents never told you this "Life is not Fair" Get over yourself.

    Reality bites September 24, 2016 2:53 pm

    Before there was Sublime, Crunchyroll, Viz, Amazon, and the rest there was only and I mean only the scan groups. they were the only ones uploading and posting manga , in Eng.anywhere on sites like this one. I am not part of a group and/or know any one in a group but I would not know any thing abt. manga if it were not for sites like this. Years ago it was hell to find anything, the scan grps. filled that need. there are manga here that are award winners, posted by people who loved it and want others to read it to. they prob. know it's not gona be popular, but it's here. Lone wolf and cub. I loved Oooku and Moihitbo Shinjuku Swan I found out abt. them bec. the scan group. took the time to upload them to this site. I have brought manga bec. of what I find here. Your view is to narrow. In certain countries even as an adult owning certain mangas is a crime(not just yaoi) reading it on line is their only option. Westerners are not the only ones who read here, others do too. and not every one is free or stealing it some have no other choice bec, choice is not given to them.

    gu. September 24, 2016 3:09 pm
    Not really. Nnene

    first translating a manga and u start reading and then stop cuz u cant buy it its just unfair besides even if my parents accepted i still cannot for reasons of my country second the authors do not owe me nothing its right but this is a place to read a mangas online and free right so why u are talking like this huh ? i really know understand why they say people are mean in mangago and next time please be nicer i know u can alright ?

    gu. September 24, 2016 3:09 pm
    Yeah good for you so get out because this place is not for good kids like you. So good job miss justice. @Anonymous

    thanks friend but some people are just too cocky

    gu. September 24, 2016 3:17 pm
    It still doesn't make it fair for the mangaka to have her manga for free online. That's my point, it's that me/myself/I thinking. Blame your country or whatever, not the publishers and artists asking for some m... Nnene

    i cant read a yaoi manga cuz its not allowed in my country this is why my parents do not accept got it huh ? this is why its unfair for us

    gu. September 24, 2016 3:20 pm
    It still doesn't make it fair for the mangaka to have her manga for free online. That's my point, it's that me/myself/I thinking. Blame your country or whatever, not the publishers and artists asking for some m... Nnene

    so who u are to talk with us like this in the first place and u dont even have knowledge ? when u grow up come again to talk (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    gu. September 24, 2016 3:23 pm
    That's not what I mean. I meant country where gays are punished so I can't read in public and Im here secretly without anyone knowing about this. I can't even buy digitally because Im worried that I'll be caug... @Anonymous

    just ingore that spoiled litlle mommy girl

    Pacgirl September 24, 2016 3:35 pm
    first translating a manga and u start reading and then stop cuz u cant buy it its just unfair besides even if my parents accepted i still cannot for reasons of my country second the authors do not owe me nothin... gu.

    This is the classic case of "I stole the bread cause I was hungry"
    Of course expect manga isn't a need but a want.
    I wouldn't try to justify reading the authors hard hours of labour and not paying her for what might be her only job.

    Also online websites for reading manga free is also illegal of course. It's just as a illegal as reading Marvel comics or DC on free websites, or watching movies on free websites.

    I would simply accept it. It's illegal but I'll still read it and still thank translators who stop when it's liscend I wouldn't pester them to take a risk and keep going.