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Oh gahwd i am so into this lol. Its kinda cliche but it really does have its own charms! I...

Danikunnn July 16, 2021 12:30 am

Oh gahwd i am so into this lol. Its kinda cliche but it really does have its own charms! IK a few people have been hatin on jiho but I don’t find what he said entirely bad. Gunwoo having insecurities is definitely sad and his feelings are valid but jiho getting hurt over hearing gunwoo say no one loves him after they’ve build up their relationship and love is also valid. Their actions need some work tho but both their feelings and emotions are pretty realistic and true to life which i’m glad the author was able to get during that particular interaction. Everything aside YAH BOTH NEED TO STOP TAKING EVERYTHING ON BY YOURSELVES WHEN UR IN A RELATIONSHIP REALLY OHMAN JUST SLOWLY OPEN UP AND SHARE BOTH UR WORRIES (easier said than done but it’s definitely for both of ur benefit) AND THE SIDE COUPLE well more like main at this point cuz tgey fckin shinning man love them n their really cute first night cracked me up.
