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So I just wanted to ask. Who else doesn't know why they like this story. So I was trying t...

Mira October 8, 2023 3:03 pm

So I just wanted to ask. Who else doesn't know why they like this story. So I was trying to get one of my friends to read this story and she didn't want to because of the comments. And I know the story has strong themes but when she was like going through the comments and like telling me what she was reading like rape and attempted suicide, It occured to me that I actually didn't know why I like this story. Like I've reread it 3 times and I still don't know why. I'm not saying that the story is bad, I just can't get why I like it

    burntchiken October 9, 2023 4:03 am

    Hmmm I sometimes wonder that myself, but even though there are tough subjects I find myself enjoying the plot, mostly because I love the point where you get in the manga where the seme starts regretting being such an ass to the uke, like he wants to change something but he’s stuck in his own decisions and doesn’t know how to get out. The point in the manga when he figures out he was in love with him really hits, because he’s stuck in a toxic relationship he made and doesn’t know how to fix, I also love how the uke also inexperienced doesn’t really put up with his bullcrap and draws a line when he can, even though he’s emotionally attached to the seme, he holds his own ground and tries his best even though his best is never enough. I think my favorite part over all of this manga is when the seme gets distraught over thinking the uke is gonna kill himself and tells him to blame everything on him and that he is sorry, I mean it’s not enough to be forgiven but it was a start to something in the messed up relationship they built. I hope this helps!!!!

    Ur welcome October 9, 2023 11:46 am

    @burntchiken pretty much explains it bc I was about to say I like the relationship btw the main duo and the plot with the father and the mc’s brother.
    Plus the author does something a tiny bit different compared to other authors where she shows taeju’s emotion of regret and guilt about everything he done to the mc.

    Also the one thing I was pretty surprised about is when euihyung is in heat and told taeju that he wants a baby taeju said he doesn’t want one bc of their situation they’re in (with the debt and everything ) and put in a condom . Usually in omegaverse genre, the alphas tend to impregnate the omega using the excuse that the omega told them too (which isn’t true bc they’re in a heated state) or they tend to not put on a condom every time they have sex and are shock that the omega is pregnant .
    I’m not saying taeju is completely a good dude and that he’s better than other alphas, I’m just saying he’s one of the few i see that take cautious steps when it comes to pregnancy. (It would be a bonus if taeju be supportive of the mc’s right to choose what he wants to do with the baby (like adoption, abortion, or raising them).)
    I’m hoping season 2 won’t rushed things and make the development of the main duo’s relationship slow.

    Emme October 9, 2023 10:03 pm

    I was just asking myself something similar and went to the comments for an answer lol
    and people read this for different reasons, let’s be honest some are probably only here for the smut scenes and not that much else which is fine, I personally don’t judge that
    but it also shows the story of someone struggling in a tight spot and I personally want to see if and how he’d manage to somehow end up at least OK. Sometimes I don’t actually like the story or what’s happening in it but I’ve been hooked and I want to see what happens next not because suicide and rapes excites me but because the flow of the story has made me invested. Just how there’s stories that has all of the elements that I like but lacking of a good flow or badly executed.We all have different standards of what’s too heavy for us to continue reading like:wish I never read “Who is the Prey”genuinely regret starting it, I want to see how it all plays out but I wish I didn’t and could just erase it from my mind but there are others who love it for the same reasons that I don’t. I don’t think this is a low quality story but might just not be for your friend

    synfull October 11, 2023 6:36 am
    Hmmm I sometimes wonder that myself, but even though there are tough subjects I find myself enjoying the plot, mostly because I love the point where you get in the manga where the seme starts regretting being s... burntchiken

    Honestly, his moment of sympathy wasn't enough considering everything he's done. It felt a bit out of place because he handles stress outwards. For example, beating people up, having aggressive sex, yelling at people. The only time where he's handled things inwards was at the beach. At the same time, there was nothing left for him to do atp

    Taejoo genuinely cares for Euihyun in his own sick way. He's his property but, it slowly turns more personal. He's stated multiple times that he wants Euihyun to exclusively depend on him. When he starts developing feelings he realizes that he can't truly own Euihyun, so he pulls away.

    Euihyun has fought his entire life. Sadistically, Taejoo has wanted to break that from the start. As a result, Euihyun's desperate submission pulls him back. Which is why his inner monologue said "father, I feel dirty" because he has finally achieved what he desired, albeit at the cost of Euihyun's wellbeing. Taejoo is simply suffering from success

    synfull October 11, 2023 6:42 am

    I enjoy this story because its emotional and I prefer darker stories (my read books say it all)

    Humans are naturally drawn to things that are different or taboo. In a group of circles, a square would pop out at you.

    Ur welcome October 11, 2023 10:26 am
    Honestly, his moment of sympathy wasn't enough considering everything he's done. It felt a bit out of place because he handles stress outwards. For example, beating people up, having aggressive sex, yelling at ... synfull

    “His moment of sympathy wasn’t enough”
    It’s a start, also I don’t think it was out of place bc we can see how Taejoo acts towards other people and how he acts towards euihyun. His realization makes sense bc it didn’t came out of nowhere.

    Anon October 11, 2023 11:59 am
    Honestly, his moment of sympathy wasn't enough considering everything he's done. It felt a bit out of place because he handles stress outwards. For example, beating people up, having aggressive sex, yelling at ... synfull

    Really well put! I totally agree. I think I enjoy this story because its so character driven. As readers we' can understand their choices and resulting behaviours (even if its dysfunctional lol). Both characters go through some pretty monumental experiences that challenge their value systems and viewpoints.

    Euihyun's realised he actually does have that capacity to survive for the sake of his brothers wellbeing - but this comes at a significant personal cost of his autonomy and safety or any real stability. His desperation is really palpable.

    Taejoo is a privileged and childish individual who has never had to consider the impact of poverty or having any realistic responsibility. He truly doesn't understand Euihyun being between a rock and a hard place. Until he does - and he can't handle it.To someone who has never gotten what they want, I can imagine it's quite destabilising when you realise that no matter how much control you exert you can't make someone love you.

    So now they're both lonely and exhausted and i'm super keen on season 3 hahah

    synfull October 11, 2023 6:57 pm
    “His moment of sympathy wasn’t enough”It’s a start, also I don’t think it was out of place bc we can see how Taejoo acts towards other people and how he acts towards euihyun. His realization makes sen... Ur welcome

    "At the same time, there was nothing left for him to do atp"

    What I meant by the above line is, there was literally nothing for him to do at that point. Picture a scenario where your selfishness and possessiveness have pushed the only person in your life to the brink of suicide. While Euihyun had no intention of taking his own life, Taejoo mistakenly believed he might.

    Sorry for my lack of clarification but, it does make sense when thinking in Taejoo's perspective. Its just harder for the reader to understand why he's in that state when knowing Euihyun had no plans on killing himself. I wish that scene was in Taejoo's perspective for that exact reason.

    synfull October 11, 2023 7:12 pm
    Really well put! I totally agree. I think I enjoy this story because its so character driven. As readers we' can understand their choices and resulting behaviours (even if its dysfunctional lol). Both character... Anon

    Exactly! As reprimandable as Taejoo's actions are, I relate. I have BPD and I've had phases in my life where I was a shitty, sadistic, selfish person. Everything considered, if my old self was a character, I'd be the shitty abusive type. However, Taejoo's reckoning will probably come soon. I'm not a fan of the rape element though.

    Ur welcome October 11, 2023 8:44 pm
    "At the same time, there was nothing left for him to do atp"What I meant by the above line is, there was literally nothing for him to do at that point. Picture a scenario where your selfishness and possessivene... synfull

    You know what? A pov of taejoo would be good. Like a chapter or a special chapter of taejoo thoughts from the beginning of the story to now. That honesty would be interesting

    synfull October 12, 2023 6:49 am
    You know what? A pov of taejoo would be good. Like a chapter or a special chapter of taejoo thoughts from the beginning of the story to now. That honesty would be interesting Ur welcome

    thats what I'm saying! what is going through this dudes headddd

    Ur welcome October 12, 2023 10:42 am
    thats what I'm saying! what is going through this dudes headddd synfull

    We only got like bits of pieces, well now that a new chapter is coming out today hopefully we’ll see something

    Anon October 12, 2023 12:48 pm
    Exactly! As reprimandable as Taejoo's actions are, I relate. I have BPD and I've had phases in my life where I was a shitty, sadistic, selfish person. Everything considered, if my old self was a character, I'd ... synfull

    Ooof BPD's a difficult one - I appreciate your insight and reflection and happy to hear you're in a better spot right now. I liked how you put it before "suffering from success", to be a better is to be present - which ofc is a fkn stressful place to be when you've been acting like taejoo haha.

    chugga chugga choo choo October 12, 2023 10:28 pm
    Really well put! I totally agree. I think I enjoy this story because its so character driven. As readers we' can understand their choices and resulting behaviours (even if its dysfunctional lol). Both character... Anon

    I dont exactly know which one of these to respond to bc this is a really good mature discussion on it. Adding my two cents, I think part of why Taejoo and Euihyun's dynamic is so intriguing is because despite being so shitty with his actions, Taejoo has (intentionally or not) created a dynamic where Euihyun can be somewhat real with his emotions. He definitely can't do that with Euiyoung, and maybe he was starting to do that with his neighbor but due to his situation he didn't want to be fully honest about things. And in those small pockets of emotion Taejoo has listened, granted showing so in a really shitty way sometimes (i.e pushing Euihyun to breakdown at the brothel before taking him out of there bc he knew that wasn't actually what Euihyun wanted).

    Also, a lot of toxic semes' character arcs is like:
    1. wow i hate this person they're a cum dumpster for me haha hoho i'm going to treat them like actual trash bc they're not human to me
    2. wow i find them actually hot and maybe bc of that they're a person?? do i love them?? also insert random sad backstory that serves as 'justification'
    4. i love them and want to take care of them! (mainly bc they're hot and sexy and submissive) i will not really apologize bc i have a sad backstory and thats why i acted like that before
    5. somehow things are just perfect from there despite how bad things were before, uke probably still doesn't have much of a say but theyre happier with their situation!! bc the seme is nicer!!!1!

    Maybe that was the direction Taejoo would've gone in another story, but its more like he's using Euihyun's situation (the person he now loves) to actually reflect on how shitty he's been. For once he has to be emotionally mature if he wants to keep Euihyun, bc suicidal ideations//depression//low self esteem can't be bought away. And its a nice change of pace to see that Taejoo is forced to do the emotional work needed to fix this. Taejoo has to see Euihyun for his humanity, which we've already gotten hints that he's starting to do.

    Idk if this makes sense I haven't written this much since I was in school LOL

    **ALSO THIS IS NOT ME JUSTIFYING THE SA. I can go into thoughts on that too but I've already written so much