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Good plot but disappointing execution

Laeana October 12, 2023 9:41 pm

That’s my whole opinion on the story summarized there, bear with me if you’re going to read it because it’s quite long but I’ve spilled all of my thoughts.

This story is good but it is disappointing for several reasons, I’ll expand on that. First the story is quite long but it could not have been a bother, but sometimes the plot extends for no reason at all and shows up arcs that do not make much sense or that could have been avoided. The arc with the teacher and his daughter for example, it leads up to plots and the ultimate villain but it honestly could have been avoided cause … who cares. The whole academy plot is sooooooo long and not always interesting. There are parts I was skimming through or skipping cause I thought Urgh that’s boring. Especially why would you introduce a new male interest when you know she won’t pick him? It was just stupid and also okay the main character is pretty that’s part of the plot she looks like a fairy or a reincarnation blah blah blah but that means she couldn’t just develop a simple friendship with the prince it had to be a romance (rolling eyes). I’m really, really glad that the choice was made to switch the love interest to Rei (?) name was changed foo many times, the red dragon, because realistically he is much better than the guardian. And I’m saying that while he didn’t appeal to me at all!! I grew to like him a bit and I was feeling like he was deserving better. This leads to another problem, although the direction was switched, it was only switched in the last chapters, which makes the whole story focused on the romance mainly between the main character and her guardian. It sucks because it then feels her change of heart being very random, she even hurts the red dragon because she’s using him as a bandaid before realizing oh no! I actually had true feeling for him all along and only a crush on my guardian! When the whole plot focuses way more and way too much on the guardian-mc relationship. Too many times, the red dragon becomes a third protagonist that doesn’t interact with the MC, is used as a comic relief or as some fighting in the background while the guardian personally helps the MC. This is very damageable as I find the relationship between the guardian and the MC terrible. It is funny how the plot become very self conscious of itself when the MC and the guardian basically go wait is it her that I love or just the fact she’s a reincarnation ? And too many times, if not always, it’s the fact she’s reincarnated. If she would have ended with him, it would have been insufferable as he never saw her as her true self, compared to the red dragon who always loved her for who she was, didn’t care about the reincarnation stuff, just like her dad. And basically the two most likable characters too, as they don’t go ahead and talk about REINCARNATION ALL THE TIME!! It becomes boring as it’s a very recurring term and it feels like it has eaten away the MC’s personality. It also sucks cause everything revolves around it, like every time you get some plot you’re sure she’s gonna encounter something / someone that has a link with her past self and that will be like : gosh she looks like her. The MC is also way too strong, don’t feel like she encounters much difficulties or it’s always wait a second the allies of my past self are coming to my rescue. This whole story should have focused even more on her continuing her own life and not living in the shadow of her past self, which happens way too often as she always falls on someone that knew her before, finding new allies and friends, and romance, and luckily that point is achieved with the red dragon even if it’s, like I said before, badly brought up and too sudden.
Overall, the plot is a good idea but it’s badly executed. I still spent some good moments in front of it but it was too long for something that became boring from time to time to me. Bonus point for not straight characters appearing into the story, that is very rare and that was a lovely addition.
Bad point of the last chapters : there was no use in bringing back the mother. They had grieved her, it was a part of the story, how it focused on the relationship between the dad and his daughter, and all of a sudden she’s back with basically no explanations. That was way too random and not useful. It just looks like a rushed happy ending

    Skywolf October 15, 2023 11:03 am

    u said everything i wanted to say after reading this comic. thanks for consolidating my thoughts

    Laeana October 15, 2023 12:46 pm
    u said everything i wanted to say after reading this comic. thanks for consolidating my thoughts Skywolf

    Really ? I’m happy to hear I’m not the only one who thought that way!! I’m glad if my rant that is way too long can serve to someone

    moody_bish October 23, 2023 7:20 am

    Im still in ch28 but u opened my eyes to things I wouldnt wanna endure
    1. I already think of her a nepo baby with her mommy ties clinging to her and now even the ERINE spirit being hella there
    2. With the Korean life she had, i at least expected some relevance, but i suppose the emphasis is going to be carried on with this Erin
    3. Im guessing the hyperfixation of Erin is also meant to call back on whaf Irene was saying as You are You but with the details U say, author mustve dragged it
    4. The mom did promise to come back in the early chapter, but if its gonna take THAT long, then im gonna guess its another conveniently happy ending

    Dumpling_Luv November 14, 2023 4:36 am

    Your points are so valid!! I didn’t even think of that until I read your comment. Towards the end EVERYTHING felt so rushed. I honestly would’ve been happy if they just ended it off with them kissing after he proposed, that’s how most movies end and it would’ve been satisfying. I do think things could’ve been better, but I do still kinda consider it a good read. I mean it had me in my room screaming like a fan girl and getting angry over certain characters, so alls well that’s ends well lolll. I do still completely agree with you though, as the other person said, you literally typed out my thoughts. But from my subconscious hahah