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Stupid trope

YaYaMae December 24, 2023 5:39 am

Okay no. I understand the relationship ended in a mess the the circumstances of the child being born were NOT great. But the trope of hiding the baby from the father for those reasons is sooooo toxic. The child should be able to build a relationship with the other parent if they WANT. It is not the child’s responsibility to bear the sins of the parents. And the father 100% should have the opportunity to help take care of the baby. The whole setup of “well he’s a rich dominant alpha and he can just take the kid from me. That’s my kid. Mine mine mine” is equally toxic because the authors then need to demonstrate how awful and vindictive that other parent is….ASSUMING that this is the route the father will take and subsequently hiding the birth —> wrong. So sorry Noah.

*edit since some of you are reading to reply and not comprehend: I hate the TROPE of hidden babies from a complicated pairing, just for the damn couple to end up together in the end. Went through this whole ordeal to be a regular family when they should have communicated from the start. Just be so forreal (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    AWinterWonderLand December 22, 2023 5:13 pm
    LOL unbiased viewpoint my ass. he RAPED someone TWICE. he IS the bad guy LMFAO?? and rape between animals is a thing so wtf are you talking about?? stop claiming you’re using your brains to analyze anything b... thisislele

    Go ahead judge and persecute these animals then. Since it's a thing. If you're gonna judge literal animals in heat. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 5:26 am
    it is well within noah’s right to keep his child away from the man who raped him. him being the biological father does not matter at all. it just doesn’t. thisislele

    Noah was also in his heat. So they were both doing something TO each other that they shouldn’t have. And I think the author purposely made the point that Noah KNEW the alpha was not in a conscious state (literally used the word instinct and made It more animalistic…on purpose). The alpha also shows up and clearly says: I didn’t remember anything and I want to take responsibility. What else do you want the man to say/do? We are also not going to casually forget that he told Noah to leave him ALONE and Noah did not…hoping he could start the relationship again. That’s toxic. So I’ll say It again — the circumstances are messy. They are NOT okay. But they are separate issues than the CHILD having a relationship with HIS father.

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 5:31 am
    Ayyy lemme join the conv. tooWell in my opinion. Ian does have the right to keep his child. As in the previous chapter, we saw that Ian broke up their FWB relationships, unaware (or aware? Still don't know yet)... nekohime1303

    So…you’re basically agreeing with my last line: “ the authors then need to demonstrate how awful and vindictive that other parent is.” Because you literally just made a BUNCH of assumptions. We have noooo idea why Noah made the choice he made other than his OWN beliefs and fears. These are THOUGHTS he has lol. Not concrete evidence. For all we damn know, Ian doesn’t have parents LOLOL or he hates them. Or some other thing happened and that’s why he ended the relationship but he loves Noah. So that’s why this “trope” is TRASH. Not the characters themselves. But the trope itself is just problematic. I’m allll for keeping babies from bad baby daddies. But you have to prove he’s a bad baby daddy. And in the omega-alpha trope…both parties high on pheromones = logic out the window. Noah was HOPING to be his mate after this!!! So no. It’s just giving messy and poorly written so far. Hence why I hate the trope

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 5:34 am
    it is well within noah’s right to keep his child away from the man who raped him. him being the biological father does not matter at all. it just doesn’t. thisislele

    So you’re ignoring the part where Noah was happy asf after???? You gonna ignore him saying “my alpha”?????? Mans was obv in heat too. It blows my mind how these stories are written to be animalistic then you assign logic and morality that do not belong. If the author wanted Ian to be this horrendous, evil being, they should take after killing stalking or painter in the night. THOSE are clear examples of sadistic, evil, MLs. Those are very deranged relationships in which a child born of the two should be protected and hidden (if they were omega versus). So far, it’s giving miscommunication , false expectations, assumptions, and a BAD BAD trope

    thisislele December 24, 2023 5:40 am

    noah was FORCED into heat. do you not understand how pheremones work and the way they effect the brain? besides he was already being raped when he went into heat. the author made noah’s intentions very clear when he ran away for good. ian IS evil because he found noah after all that time and FORCED him into heat to RAPE HIM. i never said ian wanted or intentionally raped noah the first time. but the second time he absolutely did.

    thisislele December 24, 2023 5:46 am
    noah was FORCED into heat. do you not understand how pheremones work and the way they effect the brain? besides he was already being raped when he went into heat. the author made noah’s intentions very clear ... thisislele

    by “he was already being raped when he went into heat” i meant he only lost his head to the pheremones after it already started, that wasnt clear of me sorry. and i just reread the last couple chapters and noah very clearly talks about it like it was a dream when his pheremones really kicked in, and when he “woke up” the mark that he did not want was still there and the knowledge that he was raped was still there.

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 5:53 am
    noah was FORCED into heat. do you not understand how pheremones work and the way they effect the brain? besides he was already being raped when he went into heat. the author made noah’s intentions very clear ... thisislele

    What second time in you talking about???? In chapter 10? It ended with Noah saying “my alpha” then being shook asf the next day. I’m not sure what other instance you’re referring to. Noah never made It out of the room from when he entered. Then they had sex. And you’re saying Ian forced him into heat….but you ignore the part where he was in love???. Literally went to his house when he did not have to, because he wanted to see him….It is also no one’s fault that Noah didn’t understand his 2nd sex. Not his, not Ian’s. And at least Ian wanted to take responsibility for what tf happened.

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 5:57 am
    by “he was already being raped when he went into heat” i meant he only lost his head to the pheremones after it already started, that wasnt clear of me sorry. and i just reread the last couple chapters and ... thisislele

    You’re assuming he didn’t want It. You are assuming his pheromones only kicked in until after. There is an entire emotional backdrop that you’re ignoring here (that I mention in my other comment). Noah was in love. Right before, up to, and during that moment. Hence why I said: it’s the trope. It’s the writing. Calling Ian an assaulter doesn’t quite fit with alllll these other elements the AUTHOR is writing. I’m not defending anyone. Nor was I crucifying Noah. I just said: okay. This is a dumb trope and the assumptions made by Noah (as written by the author) have 0 basis from what we know so far. So why even make this ugly trope (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ LOL. The circumstances aren’t even well written for people to fight over them (which I’m not trying to do)! I just want better context if we are going to go this route

    thisislele December 24, 2023 6:07 am

    there is no assumption?? it’s all right there??? you can be raped by someone you’re in love with. he literally tried to escape and was forced into his first heat by ian’s pheremones in chapter 9/10. the second time ian intentionally used his pheromones to make noah pass out, kidnap, and rape him. noah’s “assumptions” don’t absolutely have to have logic, he was just raped. that changes a person. he very clearly wanted to be away from the person who raped him he doesnt need to justify that.

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 6:11 am
    there is no assumption?? it’s all right there??? you can be raped by someone you’re in love with. he literally tried to escape and was forced into his first heat by ian’s pheremones in chapter 9/10. the s... thisislele

    No because we don’t know if his pheromones were forced out or if they were compatible to/reacting to the person he was in love with…hence why I said you’re assuming or rather, you’re seeing what you’d like to see. Hence why I — once again — am blaming the writing and the trope….im not sure what you’re not getting from my replies or initial comment. I’m not arguing with you about the right and wrong nature of SA itself. Its…this trope…that’s usually poorly done… I said

    thisislele December 24, 2023 6:16 am

    if they were compatible to/reacting to ian’s pheremones that is him being forced by ian’s pheremones (not ian himself) because noah has absolutely no control over his pheromones. they dont just come out when you’re in love with someone. that’s no assumption. i agree with the bad trope being poorly done. i’m just clarifying what happened while also expressing my distaste of it.

    thisislele December 24, 2023 6:22 am

    it does irk me whenever someone says ian tried to take responsibility when he just showed up, said he should take the child bc it’s his, overwhelm noah with his pheromones and you know the rest, all based on the assumption that noah snuck into his house and forced him to mate when he really just went there for at most a conversation. maybe if ian tried to actually speak civilly with noah and clearly express his desire to understand what happened that day and his desire to possibly coparent if needed noah might not be so afraid anymore and they could have a normal life, but that’s not what the author was going for.

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 6:23 am
    if they were compatible to/reacting to ian’s pheremones that is him being forced by ian’s pheremones (not ian himself) because noah has absolutely no control over his pheromones. they dont just come out whe... thisislele

    But why aren’t you saying the same thing for Ian??? Why aren’t you saying Ian also had no control over his pheromones??? Lol I don’t understand. I just feel like, you can’t say Noah was a victim to his heat but Ian was not??? I 100% think the whole thing is just controversial and badly written so should have been avoided. But what you’re saying is a bit of a double standard here

    thisislele December 24, 2023 6:26 am

    i did say the same thing for ian, he was a victim to his own rut (not noah as others tried to claim), and noah was a victim to ian and his rut, not noah’s own heat as he still tried to leave when it started.

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 6:32 am
    it does irk me whenever someone says ian tried to take responsibility when he just showed up, said he should take the child bc it’s his, overwhelm noah with his pheromones and you know the rest, all based on ... thisislele

    Okay again. I think you’re reading what you want to read. He said, immediately after, he wanted to take responsibility because he was like “what if we had a kid.” He knew he was mated but couldn’t find with whom. And I’m sorry, that would piss me off too. He locked himself in his house for a reason. Not like he was outside rutting around (pun intended). Or being an elitist douche like his friend in chapter 1 or 2 (he COULD be. But we don’t know that). So in his head, he’s probably like: “I did everything I was supposed to, someone comes into my damn house and now I’m responsible for the fallout.” Idk what type of saint you are, but I’d be pretty angry too. And I wouldn’t be so inclined to paint myself out as a villain or SA-er when I wasn’t bothering no one in MY house…

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 6:35 am
    i did say the same thing for ian, he was a victim to his own rut (not noah as others tried to claim), and noah was a victim to ian and his rut, not noah’s own heat as he still tried to leave when it started. thisislele

    But you’re calling him a r*pist. That’s not how that term real you feel that people who commit that crime are victims to their own urges? Some people do. But I don’t think you do, given the energy and language you’ve used for a fictional character. That’s why I’m saying..there’s a double standard in here or you’re simply applying logic to a situation where It doesn’t exist

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 6:39 am
    But why aren’t you saying the same thing for Ian??? Why aren’t you saying Ian also had no control over his pheromones??? Lol I don’t understand. I just feel like, you can’t say Noah was a victim to his ... YaYaMae

    THAT'S what I've been saying.....

    thisislele December 24, 2023 6:41 am
    But you’re calling him a r*pist. That’s not how that term real you feel that people who commit that crime are victims to their own urges? Some people do. But I don’t think you do, given... YaYaMae

    bc even if he was under the influence of his pheromones he did still rape noah. and even if you ignore the first time he did still do it again. i wouldn’t say anybody in real life is a victim to their own urges bc urges can be controlled. pheremones can’t, at least not during rut or heat. you can maybe compare them better to drugs but even then you still decide to take drugs most of the time.

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 6:44 am
    Okay again. I think you’re reading what you want to read. He said, immediately after, he wanted to take responsibility because he was like “what if we had a kid.” He knew he was mated but couldn’t find ... YaYaMae

    I'm sorry. But LOGIC has been LO-G-IC-K-ed outta the window. I'm sorry Deez kids don't see it....then get mad when I'm trying to defend Ian. I'm not defending nobody, just stating facts. But, for some reason, if you don't bad-mouth Ian and protect Noah, you're a bad guy AND don't know how to use your brain. I'm so glad you're on board with this. I've been trying to prove this theory the whole time but all I got was backlash and being called stupid. I didn't graduate from University w/ Honors to be called stupid. Those bottoms feeders.

    thisislele December 24, 2023 6:53 am

    are the facts in the room with us rn?