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Stupid trope

YaYaMae December 24, 2023 5:39 am

Okay no. I understand the relationship ended in a mess the the circumstances of the child being born were NOT great. But the trope of hiding the baby from the father for those reasons is sooooo toxic. The child should be able to build a relationship with the other parent if they WANT. It is not the child’s responsibility to bear the sins of the parents. And the father 100% should have the opportunity to help take care of the baby. The whole setup of “well he’s a rich dominant alpha and he can just take the kid from me. That’s my kid. Mine mine mine” is equally toxic because the authors then need to demonstrate how awful and vindictive that other parent is….ASSUMING that this is the route the father will take and subsequently hiding the birth —> wrong. So sorry Noah.

*edit since some of you are reading to reply and not comprehend: I hate the TROPE of hidden babies from a complicated pairing, just for the damn couple to end up together in the end. Went through this whole ordeal to be a regular family when they should have communicated from the start. Just be so forreal (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 6:56 am
    bc even if he was under the influence of his pheromones he did still rape noah. and even if you ignore the first time he did still do it again. i wouldn’t say anybody in real life is a victim to their own urg... thisislele

    So what would you like Ian to have done at the time. Answer me that. If he’s not at fault for being in a rut..but you are holding him accountable for what he did during the rut…how does that work? Either he’s an assaulter who did It on purpose or a victim to his own unfortunate circumstances. But he can’t be both. Your responses are clearly indicative of some sort of fault here in Ian and as such, he has no rights to the child. I’m asking — what was he supposed to do, in that time, to make It so? And why is he not allowed to be angry for someone else entering HIS space during his time of vulnerability (I.e not being in his right mind..)

    thisislele December 24, 2023 7:02 am

    he can be both and is. ian being a victim to his rut does not erase what he did to noah, which is rape. is noah supposed to go “oh you didnt MEAN to rape me so its ok” there isnt a right answer to what he should have done. but i know the answer isnt rape him again. he can be mad that it happened of course, that doesnt mean it’s at all ok for him to do what he did.

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 7:05 am

    Well.... apparently the facts aren't in YOUR room. (✿^‿^)(◠‿・)—☆。.゚+ ⟵(。・ω・)(ノ゚0゚)ノ→

    thisislele December 24, 2023 7:08 am


    YaYaMae December 24, 2023 7:29 am
    he can be both and is. ian being a victim to his rut does not erase what he did to noah, which is rape. is noah supposed to go “oh you didnt MEAN to rape me so its ok” there isnt a right answer to what he s... thisislele

    You are still making It sound intentional. Or as if Ian consenting to the mating lol neither one gave consent. Neither one was in their right mind. Neither one WANTED that to happen. But — we do know, in the moment, Noah didn’t mind! Noah was euphoric and high on life talmbout my alpha. And then later, he realized the whole thing is messed up. Nowhere does It say Noah is blaming Ian. And him running away just made It damn messy because It leaves 0 space for..wait for It…communicationnnnn. Notice how this entire time the ONLY thing he’s scared of if his kid being taken away. Not that he was hurt and abused. But that his child might be in custody of Ian. Hence —> messy, stupid stupid trope. End of story. Logic is not applicable here. Because the author isn’t making It make sense. Dang

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 7:44 am
    You are still making It sound intentional. Or as if Ian consenting to the mating lol neither one gave consent. Neither one was in their right mind. Neither one WANTED that to happen. But — we do know, in the ... YaYaMae

    "Notice how this entire time the ONLY thing he’s scared of if his kid being taken away. Not that he was hurt and abused."

    .... Damn they be judging him based on no evidence....