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It’s too much

Soybean January 18, 2024 11:35 pm

The spoilers in the comments are aggravating me to no end, if what I read about upcoming betrayal and heartache are true then it would be in my best interest to drop this but I am already far too invested

If you can’t beat them… so here are my two cents for anyone interested based on hunches with no prior knowledge:

The holy emperor and his wife are Lucinas biological parents since the emperor is so keen on protecting her and his wife seems to have a similar appearance as Lucina. The emperor might not want to reveal Lucinas identity to continue to keep her safe. Maybe Lucina was kidnapped or lost as a child and Baron Berk kept her as a his illegitimate daughter to use as a political pawn and extort the emperor at some later point. It’s also possible that Baron Berk took Lucina in as a favor to the emperor to keep her safe and away from assassination plots against the royal family of the holy empire. However Lucinas past remained hidden after the barons passing as he told no one where she actually came from.

The blonde woman is a shapeshifter who mimics Lucinas looks, my thoughts are that the shapeshifter saw Lucina at some point when her hair was dyed blonde and based her appearance on that. What do yall think?

    Limeqde February 2, 2024 12:47 am

    Yup, exactly my thoughts.