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again coming here to say if you hate the story so much don't fucking translate it. no one ...

Min January 26, 2024 7:05 am

again coming here to say if you hate the story so much don't fucking translate it. no one wants to see you bitch and bitch and BITCH for 40 chapters straight.

    ✿ Childe simp ✿ January 27, 2024 7:52 am

    Translator ate idk what ur on abt

    Min January 27, 2024 1:17 pm
    Translator ate idk what ur on abt ✿ Childe simp ✿

    ate unwashed ass? yea they did

    ✿ Childe simp ✿ January 28, 2024 5:23 am
    ate unwashed ass? yea they did Min

    Still ate and devoured

    Min January 28, 2024 6:39 am
    Still ate and devoured ✿ Childe simp ✿

    me when i'm wrong

    Yuni January 28, 2024 9:04 am
    ate unwashed ass? yea they did Min


    ✿ Childe simp ✿ January 28, 2024 9:25 am
    me when i'm wrong Min

    It’s okay pooks it’s okay to be wrong sending love

    Min January 28, 2024 2:19 pm
    It’s okay pooks it’s okay to be wrong sending love ✿ Childe simp ✿

    it's okay to be dumb too, well wishes

    Tea January 31, 2024 11:24 pm
    Translator ate idk what ur on abt ✿ Childe simp ✿

    I agree i loved their comments really captured how i felt reading this.
    For the original commenter just shut up and be greatful they even translated it if you "like" this story. If you dont like their comments then just....not read them? Its simple
    Just like your comment says stop bitching, follow your own damn advice ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    ✿ Childe simp ✿ February 1, 2024 1:33 am
    I agree i loved their comments really captured how i felt reading this. For the original commenter just shut up and be greatful they even translated it if you "like" this story. If you dont like their comments ... Tea


    ✿ Childe simp ✿ February 1, 2024 1:34 am
    I agree i loved their comments really captured how i felt reading this. For the original commenter just shut up and be greatful they even translated it if you "like" this story. If you dont like their comments ... Tea

    And for reals me too the comments really captured how I was also feeling during the the chapters

    Min February 1, 2024 2:27 am
    I agree i loved their comments really captured how i felt reading this. For the original commenter just shut up and be greatful they even translated it if you "like" this story. If you dont like their comments ... Tea

    nah i'm not grateful for any translation, go ride the translator's dick harder tho. you absolute stupid ass bitches read a story that's clearly not SFW, that clearly has rape and abuse from CHAPTER 1, and then whine and bitch about how the story sucks, the author sucks, how the author is a piece of shit for writing the story the whole fucking time. did the translator have to translate this story if they didn't like it? no. did they have to continue to write those retarded ass comments in EVERY fucking panel? no. so shut your hoe ass up you fucking cock rider. you bitches are seriously so fucking high up your moral high horse, acting like seeing rape and abuse portrayed in a bad way in a YAOI is the end of the world. bitch i've been reading yaoi since you were sucking on your mommy's tits, rape is fucking everywhere in yaoi. so don't even give me your moral high horse bs. you little young cunts read a fucked up story ONCE and shit out of your pussy. welcome to the genre, moron, get used to rape and abuse bc that's 70% of what yaoi is.
    "If you dont like their comments then just....not read them?" i wrote this comment because i couldn't NOT fucking read their stupid comments because it was fucking distracting, not go mention promoting their own shitty ass fanfiction under every chapter. if they didn't like this story that much then idk, they could have not translated it? get a brain transplant soon, your brain is actually rotting at this point.

    Min February 1, 2024 5:32 am
    I agree i loved their comments really captured how i felt reading this. For the original commenter just shut up and be greatful they even translated it if you "like" this story. If you dont like their comments ... Tea

    fucking idiotic puritan motherfuckers coming from tiktok who've never seen something not completely sanitized their whole life. people are going to write fucked up shit, no matter how much it triggers your little bby delicate sensibilities. the translator is a stupid bitch like you - they don't like something in the story yet they continue to engage with it. if you're going to engage with something that you clearly hate, don't leave comments crying about how much you hate it in every fucking chapter. no one gives a shit. it's a story about rape and abuse, get the fuck over it you oversensitive bitch. go the fuck back to twitter. i swear you people are legitimately 12 or something.

    Logint February 5, 2024 3:04 am

    Then they have the audacity to prompt their fanfiction of the story every chapter when their fic is literally just the seme fucking different ocs every change he gets literally how is his characterization any different from the canon that they claim to hate

    Matt February 14, 2024 8:45 pm

    fr! it was so annoying to read their comments

    _dudumi February 17, 2024 7:55 pm


    personA February 19, 2024 11:35 am

    not even 3 chapters in and it already has so much damn shit to yap. we get it, the story is shit, this or that character is shit, and the author is even shittier for writing this abomination. but the fucking notes under every 3 panels is pissing me the fuck off because who the hell told you any fucker cared about your shitty ass opinions on a shitty ass story? if you are a translator and you hold so much hate for a story, don’t translate it. if you still do it anyway, don’t put your bitching in the story.

    personA February 19, 2024 11:43 am
    fucking idiotic puritan motherfuckers coming from tiktok who've never seen something not completely sanitized their whole life. people are going to write fucked up shit, no matter how much it triggers your litt... Min

    I didn’t that expect to see allat upon expanding the reply but you’re so real. I fucking hate bitches that engage in contents they hate but get all defensive when people tell them to “drop it,” because in what fucking world does one click into content they KNOW they hate and then gets mad when they DO hate it?

    Min February 19, 2024 12:04 pm
    I didn’t that expect to see allat upon expanding the reply but you’re so real. I fucking hate bitches that engage in contents they hate but get all defensive when people tell them to “drop it,” because ... personA

    reading the replies back i was being pretty aggressive i'm just so tired of people who have rigid moral standards CHOOSING to engage with a topic/subject matter they clearly find immoral and making it not-fun for everyone else while they're at it. the story makes it clear from the 1st chapter that this isn't healthy sweet love story, and it doesn't HAVE to be! it's fictional for a reason - it allows you to explore topics you would find morally reprehensible irl, that's the whole point of *fiction*. if the story of this manhwa happened irl, it would be disgusting and horrible! but none of this happened irl, they're a bunch of pixels on my computer. if it upsets me, all i have to do is go "wtf, that's nasty" and click off. i never have to see it again! no one was hurt in the end, and i go read something i actually enjoy.

    Min February 19, 2024 12:09 pm
    I didn’t that expect to see allat upon expanding the reply but you’re so real. I fucking hate bitches that engage in contents they hate but get all defensive when people tell them to “drop it,” because ... personA

    the TL is right on only one thing: there should be clear trigger warnings on this from the beginning, as it's full of heavy/dark stuff. everything else they're crying over can be answered with "why are you here? why are you translating this? who forced you?". i like occasionally reading dark stuff, i enjoy it. that doesn't make me a bad evil person, and neither does it make the author of this manhwa a bad person for writing this (unlike what so many of the commenters here seem to think). humans have ALWAYS had a morbid curiosity for disgusting/depraved/uncomfortable subjects, it's why, for example, so many g0re sites exist. morbid curiosity is inherently a human trait, and no matter how much you dislike something, someone else will like it. the only thing you can do to not upset yourself is realize that not everything is catered towards you and simply not engage with things you don't enjoy. but i guess that's a bit too difficult a concept to understand when you're 10 years old or something.

    Just a random Fujoshi March 4, 2024 12:32 pm
    nah i'm not grateful for any translation, go ride the translator's dick harder tho. you absolute stupid ass bitches read a story that's clearly not SFW, that clearly has rape and abuse from CHAPTER 1, and then ... Min

    You're so real I love you