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What on earth happened to Ari?

Psychopompp April 5, 2024 11:39 am

Why tf is she staying silent?? Girl what happened to your girl boss personality

    MissTengu April 5, 2024 11:44 am

    You don't understand the seriousness of the shit that just went down.

    Uttsu April 5, 2024 2:28 pm

    Yeah gonna girlboss the queen and screaming out loud that a duke was killed bc of you. It's not like there is a war and people's lives at stake

    MirrorImage April 5, 2024 3:53 pm

    Y'all only read shallow 2d characters and it shows

    Psychopompp April 6, 2024 4:23 am

    Yo chill, I was just kinda hoping for her to have some idea as to how they're gonna get away with this. Why y'all getting so upset

    Maki April 7, 2024 4:53 am
    Yo chill, I was just kinda hoping for her to have some idea as to how they're gonna get away with this. Why y'all getting so upset Psychopompp

    Man, be realistic y'all. Think about the situation she's in. A noble man is dead because of her (or she think so). The seriousness of the situation prevents her from thinking some strategy to overcome that shit. Try to put yourself on her shoes, I bet you can't even think a proper solution where you've been stared at for ruining someone else's dress in a party.

    We can't expect her to slay every hardships she'll encounter y'know. What happened actually gives more color to her character and proves she's not a robot or ai shit that will automatically function. Thanks to that we got some thrill and looked for more on how she'll handle that kind of situation.

    Anyways, let's just wait for the update and see what will happen.