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    Usotsuki April 12, 2024 7:14 pm

    Is it a completed series at four volumes?

    WishingStarz April 12, 2024 7:44 pm
    Is it a completed series at four volumes? Usotsuki

    Manga update says it's " 5 volumes and ongoing"

    Usotsuki April 12, 2024 8:30 pm
    Manga update says it's " 5 volumes and ongoing" WishingStarz

    Ah rats. Thank you tho.

    Jun April 13, 2024 2:57 am

    I bought it too but my country took it and burned it before I could even got it bruh, my money's all gone

    Usotsuki April 13, 2024 3:04 am
    I bought it too but my country took it and burned it before I could even got it bruh, my money's all gone Jun

    could you explain please. I'm so curious. Do they hate gay stuff/inspect your packages??

    433 April 13, 2024 4:06 am
    could you explain please. I'm so curious. Do they hate gay stuff/inspect your packages?? Usotsuki

    idk if its the same case but in my country (brazil) you need to pay a tax for imported items and if they pass some value (normally its more or equal to 50$) you pay a tax and many times its the same value of the product you paid (lets say, you paid 50$, then your tax would be the same value or higher), and, if you dont pay, they send it back to where you bought or burn it

    Jun April 13, 2024 5:04 am
    could you explain please. I'm so curious. Do they hate gay stuff/inspect your packages?? Usotsuki

    My country hates the gays and sexual things, so like any gay or inappropriate stuff shipped to our country they like burned it, sometimes without even telling us, the buyers, they sent me a letter saying to come visit them ( I bought My love Mix Up mangas) and they said some shit and to come visit them again for my book when they call me back, they never did call, I hate my country sm sometimes bruh the thing is I already managed to get most of the collection of the manga but they took away 2 of the books, so now my collection is incomplete thanks to them, their inspection for the packages is random, so I'm like one of the u lucky few who got their packages inspected

    Jun April 13, 2024 5:05 am

    So whenever I buy something, I have to pray and wish for the best they don't inspect my goods

    433 April 13, 2024 5:08 am
    So whenever I buy something, I have to pray and wish for the best they don't inspect my goods Jun

    sorry to ask but from which hell are you from??? damn thats worse than mine

    Jun April 13, 2024 5:59 am
    sorry to ask but from which hell are you from??? damn thats worse than mine 433

    Lol I rather not say but all I can say it's a pretty religious and strict country, I'm planning to move out of there in a few years after graduation college so yeah

    Haramea April 13, 2024 11:18 am
    Lol I rather not say but all I can say it's a pretty religious and strict country, I'm planning to move out of there in a few years after graduation college so yeah Jun

    It takes so much courage to leave your birthplace, good luck sis, i'm rooting for you.
    Sometimes the grass really is greener in another field, jump that fucking fence if you have to:(

    HazyAgate April 13, 2024 11:28 am
    idk if its the same case but in my country (brazil) you need to pay a tax for imported items and if they pass some value (normally its more or equal to 50$) you pay a tax and many times its the same value of th... 433

    Mas mangá entra na categoria de "livros" o que torna ilegal taxar no Brasil.

    433 April 13, 2024 12:17 pm
    Mas mangá entra na categoria de "livros" o que torna ilegal taxar no Brasil. HazyAgate

    ss to falando de forma geral tb e pelo q vi a taxa ta mais chata agr e tao taxando quase absolutamente td

    433 April 13, 2024 12:18 pm
    Lol I rather not say but all I can say it's a pretty religious and strict country, I'm planning to move out of there in a few years after graduation college so yeah Jun

    thats okay your safety comes first! i hope you can move from there and enjoy the things you like without fear