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Minatobro May 5, 2024 7:17 am

Okay I’m just going to say it, those people who have a problem with Shahid and the manga in general should just stop reading it already instead of going to the comments section on every update and ruining the whole vibe and feeling for the rest of us. You’re also greatly discouraging new readers. If you don’t like the characters or the story just don’t read it anymore. Why do you have to ruin it for everyone else?
Also in the case of Shahid you people need to stop being so biased without even trying to understand him. People have been trying to assassinate him his entire life since he was a child. At one point, assassins even made a game out of trying to kill him as shown in the manga. He has never known his father and his mother was killed when we was very young. His friends were killed. He was abandoned by the royal family and was essentially all alone. He was barely ever given permission to leave the country or city. He’s been trapped in a cage all his life waiting to be killed. Do you think that sort of thing isn’t stressful or doesn’t have any effect on people? People expect him to be perfect but forget his situation completely. Yes, Shahid used to sleep around a lot but the reason is because he tries to find comfort in physical touch. Physical touch gives him the surety that he’s indeed still alive. A lot of people with trauma are like that. Shahid sleeping around shouldn’t be an issue because he was not in a relationship. Also since Shahid came to Kinard’s mansion in the middle of the story he has stopped sleeping with others. Yes, he’s been in love with Yesing for a while but he still slept around because he always believed that Yesing loved Kinard and not him. Even the flashbacks show why Shahid always thought Yesing prefers someone like Kinard rather than him. Shahid doesn’t have a lot of self esteem despite his looks. Him treating Yesing like a child also has something to do with him not being able to openly declare his love to Yesing because again he thought Yesing loved someone else. Also Shahid unconsciously keeps treating Yesing like that. To an outsider you can clearly see that Shahid is in love but since he himself behaves like that unconsciously he doesn’t think anyone notices. Also 4 years ago Shahid had faced yet another assassination attempt and was drugged out of his mind to manage both the physical and emotional pain. Of course this doesn’t excuse what he did to Yesing but at the same time he couldn’t control what he was doing. It’s not entirely his fault. Also 4 years ago although Shahid was a little rough, Yesing was actually enjoying it in the beginning. It only started bothering Yesing when he thought Shahid was imagining someone else instead of Yesing and Yesing didn’t want Shahid to think of him as one of his fuck buddies because Yesing also loves Shahid. Even presently the only issue Yesing has is that he thinks Shahid just wants to have sex with him and no relationship when we all know that isn’t the case. There’s miscommunication between them which will be clear in the following chapters (I’ve seen the raws).

    Ladyoscar May 5, 2024 11:16 am

    Finally someone who understands shahid character so well

    Megumi May 5, 2024 2:30 pm

    You explain all the point so well wow

    my pfp is toge's property May 5, 2024 2:48 pm


    Cam May 5, 2024 3:06 pm

    God I love you sm I could just smooch your forehead!!

    Dazai May 5, 2024 3:31 pm

    Let me just give you smooches because finally someone who actually understands his perspective too. He TOO IS A HUMAN and try facing half of what he did then we will see how bad Shahid is ffs. But yes tysm for understanding him. He is too cute and such a well written charecter

    Loivrega May 5, 2024 9:33 pm

    Have been wanting to say it Thank u so much for explaining

    oyaoya May 6, 2024 7:20 pm


    indigobunting May 6, 2024 10:15 pm

    "Also 4 years ago although Shahid was a little rough, Yesing was actually enjoying it in the beginning. It only started bothering Yesing when he thought Shahid was imagining someone else instead of Yesing"

    A little rough? His ass was bleeding. He wasn't prepared. He was being forced. He was raped. I don't care if he was drugged. Who gets drugged and rapes someone? This sounds like the typical excusing of the behavior of these shit rapist semes.

    Devie May 8, 2024 10:08 am

    that's literally a good script to use for another toxic bl manhwa and we're here for that. we love to see pookie glorifying and rationalizing a hot grapist. i mean 83 people approved it so why not? but it's just so funny how a lot of people have an understanding and empathy with someone like him, but not with the victim. it's always a fun experience hearing thoughts like this it makes me realize people are really capable to think something like this. it's amazing. keep it up

    Minatobro May 8, 2024 3:51 pm
    "Also 4 years ago although Shahid was a little rough, Yesing was actually enjoying it in the beginning. It only started bothering Yesing when he thought Shahid was imagining someone else instead of Yesing"A lit... indigobunting

    Of course his ass was bleeding because it was his literal first time without the painstaking preparation beforehand. That’s why I said he was indeed rough but still if you actually read the chapter you clearly see despite it being rough Yesing got used to it and started enjoying it. It bothered Yesing when he thought Shahid was actually imagining someone else. That’s when Yesing got aggressive. Again even after 4 years Yesing isn’t much bothered by the sex itself but rather by the thought that Shahid imagined someone else and not Yesing. He believed maybe Shahid loved someone else. Also you need to remember this is not some manga set in the modern era but a period manga. Some concepts that modern folk can’t accept were the norm in that time. It doesn’t make it okay but we can’t expect a character in period settings to think of things like a person in the 21st century. That’s literally impossible. Of course what Shahid did 4 years ago is not right by any means but again it’s also not entirely his fault either. Being drugged out of his mind literally means he lost the ability to actually be able think clearly and control his actions. Shahid thought he was having sex with a prostitute that he paid for. He’s drugged beyond measure and to him in that state since it’s a prostitute that he paid for and that came to Shahid’s room himself willingly while he’s vulnerable means that it’s okay to have sex. He didn’t recognise Yesing and anyone else at that moment because he’s drugged, emotional(because of the attempted assassination) and is also very hurt. The dude doesn’t even remember what he did all those years go. Drugs in those times were also more potent. I’m not trying to excuse Shahid. I’m also saying what he did 4 years ago was indeed wrong but I’m also saying you just can’t categorise his actions as only being black or white. He’s in the grey area. That’s why I suggest people to actually try to critically think while reading such stories because characters in such stories are always morally grey. You literally can’t judge them because the characters have been through so much shit that it’s impossible to expect them character to be 100% normal and perfect when they’ve gone through what they have gone through. If people think that always living life on hard mode has no consequences what so ever on one’s personality and mentality then they are dead wrong. If stories with such morally grey characters are not your cup of tea it’s actually okay to drop them but please stop ruining the experience for everyone else who actually can think critically enough and who actually want to read these stories.

    Minatobro May 8, 2024 4:37 pm
    that's literally a good script to use for another toxic bl manhwa and we're here for that. we love to see pookie glorifying and rationalizing a hot grapist. i mean 83 people approved it so why not? but it's jus... Devie

    This comment tells me you didn’t read my comment and the story carefully enough. First of all I’m not glorifying a rapist. I’m not excusing Shahid’s action at all. I began my rant by saying what he did 4 years ago was indeed wrong but I’m also saying he’s not entirely at fault. I will again explain why I’m saying that. To start with Shahid was again almost assassinated. He was very hurt and was drugged out his mind to deal with the physical and emotional pain. Being that drugged means he lost the ability to clearly think and control his actions. When Yesing came into Shahid’s room(despite being told not to go) Shahid could not even recognise Yesing’s face. That’s how intoxicated he was. Shahid didn’t intoxicate himself. He wasn’t given the drugs for fun. He was given the drugs in that high of an amount because he was in pain. Also Shahid thought it was a prostitute(that he paid for) that came to his room willingly when he’s already emotional and vulnerable. Of course again that doesn’t mean his actions were okay and that he shouldn’t be punished but again it also means he wasn’t entirely at fault because we know from the manga Shahid wouldn’t do that to anyone especially Yesing if he could actually think and understand what was happening. He doesn’t even remember what happened all those years ago. Also drugs in those times were essentially more potent then they are now. In regards to Yesing I’m not blaming him the least. I’m also saying Shahid was undoubtedly rough with Yesing 4 years ago. But again from the manga we know that although Shahid was rough Yesing actually started to enjoy it. What infuriated him was the thought that Shahid was imagining someone else and not Yesing. Yesing thought that Shahid was using him as a substitute. This is when Yesing got aggressive, started hating it and was rightfully upset. Even after 4 years Yesing isn’t bothered by the sex but by the thought that Shahid is seeing Yesing as a substitute and as a sex friend and nothing else. Hewing thinks that Shahid is only interested in the sex and not a relationship. This is still the main factor that is making Yesing upset.
    People should understand that firstly this is not a modern story but a period/historical story. Concepts that modern people think are unacceptable were the norm in those times. It doesn’t make it okay but such was the mentality of those times because they didn’t know any better. We can’t expect characters in those time periods to think of things like people from the 21st century. That’s impossible. Values and mentality are too different because of the time period. Secondly characters in such stories are always morally grey. We can never categorise them into black and white only because thats not how the world is. These characters grow in unthinkable and harsh circumstances while doing unthinkable things. We can’t expect them to be completely normal and perfect. We can’t expect them to be “completely green flags” because that’s not how they lived. They lived their entire lives on hard mode and if we think that wouldn’t affect their personality and mentality then we’re dead wrong. These stories require readers to be able to critically think and understand the context and settings. If such stories are too dark and not your cup of tea then don’t read them but don’t discourage people just because you can’t think critically. You want to read bl where you don’t need to think at all be my guest because there is no storage of those. Don’t expect people to agree with you just because you lack understanding and diversity. It’s also fun to see people like you who are so biased and so devoid of the ability to analyse things and critically think for themselves that they can’t even hear an opinion that is different from their one dimensional understanding.

    Devie May 8, 2024 5:41 pm
    This comment tells me you didn’t read my comment and the story carefully enough. First of all I’m not glorifying a rapist. I’m not excusing Shahid’s action at all. I began my rant by saying what he did... Minatobro

    i've read your comment thoroughly and it's just sad how it minimizes the struggle and what yesing went through by saying it's not shahid entirely fault and using excuses like his trauma and drugs. you're contradicting your own opinion by excusing him and trying to rationalize what he did. i'm here for thinking critically about the dimensions of character, but when people try to excuse a toxic behavior and saying what he did isn't a r4p3. either he was drugged or not it's still r4p3 even the translator and the author acknowledged it why could not people like you who think critically? someone who think critically wouldn't even try to rationalize what a perpetrator did and try to minimize the struggle of victim. if you think i'm not thinking critically by siding with the victim then i apologize for not reaching your expectation and disagreeing with you. tbh, i would rather be petty and stick to my first comment because i know people like you wouldn't just get it and it's not like i'm here to change your opinion.

    either way, i apologize if i said something harsh i was disheartened by it. you have totally a point and it all makes sense. i agree with your observation and how rational you are, but if being like that means minimizing and altering the truth then i would rather be petty and nonsensical by defending the victim. it's not like i don't want you to empathize and understand shahid because i know how hard it is to go through these things. no one deserves it not even a child. i'm fully aware of his circumstances and his stand point, but using it to minimize and not acknowledging what happened to yesing is where i draw the line.

    eryn May 8, 2024 6:06 pm
    i've read your comment thoroughly and it's just sad how it minimizes the struggle and what yesing went through by saying it's not shahid entirely fault and using excuses like his trauma and drugs. you're contra... Devie

    Nah, gurl don't bother explaining at all. It's a waste of time. You know the girls that get it, get it and the girls that don't don't

    Ichigo May 12, 2024 1:25 am
    i've read your comment thoroughly and it's just sad how it minimizes the struggle and what yesing went through by saying it's not shahid entirely fault and using excuses like his trauma and drugs. you're contra... Devie

    well said warrior

    Lucy Pandora May 23, 2024 8:48 am

    And he's a rapist