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Why did jigu leave the chat?

BBOONG May 18, 2024 11:40 am

Why did jigu leave the chat?

    whatevermans May 18, 2024 12:52 pm

    ppl are saying that bc MC randomly got a character design that looks like Jigu, Jigu figured it all out and had a mental breakdown. but it doesn't make ANY sense to me since MC got it randomly ?? idk really.......

    「   」 May 18, 2024 12:54 pm

    Jigu thought MC was his stalker bcz his game persona reallly looks like him irl. He kinda freak out and leave the chat i guess.

    larulair May 18, 2024 12:58 pm
    ppl are saying that bc MC randomly got a character design that looks like Jigu, Jigu figured it all out and had a mental breakdown. but it doesn't make ANY sense to me since MC got it randomly ?? idk really....... whatevermans

    i'm pretty sure the MC chose the hair style deliberately because it reminded him of Jigu, so even though the face change randomly made the resemblance even stronger, it had a pretty big impact on Jigu... especially because he already suspected something with the whole madeleine (the pastry?) incident, this was basically a confirmation that his neighbor is the guy he's been playing with, enforcing the "stalking" suspicions Jigu's been having

    whatevermans May 18, 2024 1:04 pm
    i'm pretty sure the MC chose the hair style deliberately because it reminded him of Jigu, so even though the face change randomly made the resemblance even stronger, it had a pretty big impact on Jigu... especi... larulair

    he only chose the hair himself, but for the face he had a "random face coupon". but ig we have to assume that Jigu somehow was the only one among their guild gang who didn't know it was a random coupon?

    larulair May 18, 2024 1:16 pm
    he only chose the hair himself, but for the face he had a "random face coupon". but ig we have to assume that Jigu somehow was the only one among their guild gang who didn't know it was a random coupon? whatevermans

    i know he only chose the hair himself? said that in my comment... the coupon was given to the MC by another guild member in secret, not sure why Jigu would be aware of it being randomized just like that. And even if he knew, I mean, think about it:

    1. Jigu has been suspecting that his neighbor is stalking him, as he keeps showing up at his place of living, work and hobbies
    2. he has reason to believe that the guy he's been playing with might be that same neighbor, due to the swimming and pastry incident
    3. that guy then chooses hair that looks exactly like Jigu's own, and even though the face was randomized, ending up with a character that looks exactly like Jigu in real life... adding all of these things together would be creepy as all hell

    i mean, the entire story started with Jigu attacking the MC in-game because he thought he was a stalker. it's hardly a new thing that he's quick to jump to conclusions. his reaction is completely in-character, imo

    whatevermans May 18, 2024 1:29 pm
    i know he only chose the hair himself? said that in my comment... the coupon was given to the MC by another guild member in secret, not sure why Jigu would be aware of it being randomized just like that. And ev... larulair

    omg sorry idk how but ig my mind wandered off somewhere so I ended up not reading that part of your comment( ̄∇ ̄") indeed you said that! ahh!! well thank you for putting things in this perspective, it makes more sense now!!

    larulair May 18, 2024 1:36 pm
    omg sorry idk how but ig my mind wandered off somewhere so I ended up not reading that part of your comment( ̄∇ ̄") indeed you said that! ahh!! well thank you for putting things in this perspective, it make... whatevermans

    no worries! it's a fairly slow story so it's pretty easy to lose track of some details along the way~~ 

    whatevermans May 18, 2024 1:39 pm
    no worries! it's a fairly slow story so it's pretty easy to lose track of some details along the way~~  larulair

    ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ have a nice day!!